Thursday, May 31, 2018

Who Are You Away From Church?

Have you ever wondered, on a Sunday morning, when you see people at Church, "Are they really this kind and friendly all the time?" I have known some Christians  by only seeing them in church and they always seemed so nice and pleasant only to find out at some point that was their church act. They only acted that way when they were among the church crowd on Sunday mornings or sometime during the week. So, that poses the question, "Who are you when you're away from the church crowd?"
When I was first saved and started to attend church services, I just thought everyone I met there was always as nice as they were at the church. Now, there were those Christians who were. They lived their lives as Jesus would want us to and the way He instructs us through His word. But, there were some who were putting on an act; their lives away from the church were anything but a fine example of a good Christian life.
If you could visit these people at their secular job sites, it would tell you a great deal of who they really are. I spent years on secular job sites and had thriving ministries at those job sites. But, I witnessed a lot of Jekyll and Hydes at those job sites. Such as, a person singing praises to the Lord on the platform on Sunday morning and cursing and swearing all throughout the work week. James summed it up this way when speaking about the tongue,

Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!  Does a spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water?  James 3:9-11
Attitudes can also be a tell all, concerning the conduct of a Christian away from other Christians. How do they respond to the boss when given a directive or when they are caught doing something other than what they are supposed to be doing? What is their attendance like? Are they often tardy? Do they sneak out early? Are they taking stuff from the job site for their personal use? Are they helpful to others in getting the job done? Do they make the attempt to get along with everyone and avoid conflict? These are just some questions which can apply to a Christian on a secular job site.
Integrity is so important; do what you say and say what you do. Don't lie to your boss when questioned about anything concerning the status of the assigned project. Honesty is so important and will go miles with most leaders even when the information you honestly provide is not what he/she wants to hear. I know, there will always be the boss who just is miserable and will scream and yell regardless how honest you are with them but, you were honest. Integrity will speak volumes about who you are and can always have the possibility of opening a door to tell someone about Jesus. If we are living our Christian lives on the job site in the way the Bible tells us, it will get the attention of non-believers. My first day on a job site, years ago, I saw how one man acted so much different than all the others. I wasn't saved, I didn't know Jesus as my savior but this man caught my eye because he wasn't acting like all the others. He was a Christian and he lived his life different than all those other guys who were setting a good example on how not to be a Christian.

What about in the home? Yes, this is a sore subject for a lot of Christians. A father with children is in the spot light all the time with his kids. Children are able to see right through us when we are not being on the up and up with them and around them. Children are very perceptive and can identify when we are saying one thing and doing another.
I remember hearing a story many years ago about a young man, about 15 years old, in a church where his father was an elder. So, the Bible lays out the requirements for elders and at church this father would display those requirements as being met. But, when a visiting evangelist spoke to the father in the presence of the son, he noticed the son had a look of disgust on his face. After speaking to the father and waiting for him to walk away, he asked the son why he had such a disapproving appearance on his face when he, the evangelist, had spoken to his father. The son replied by telling the evangelist that his praising of his father's work in the church was wrong because his father was a phony. The evangelist asked him why he would say that and the son told him that his father acts one way at the church but is a totally different person at home. He went on to tell the evangelist his father did not display the Christian character at home that he presented to everyone at the church and he had everyone in the church fooled except him.
Christian fathers, how do we act at home? Is it the same as we do when we are at the church? Now, I can speak from experience on this because I've been there. Not necessarily as in the case of the young man above but in other ways. There were responsibilities I would shirk in the home; responsibilities I should have been taking as the spiritual leader in my home. I was in church leadership in pastoral and elder roles but I was slipping at home. I would teach one thing but not do that one thing I was instructing other Christians to do. It's OK, Jesus got a hold of me and set me straight. There is always going to be something we might slip up on and that's not what I'm referring to. It's the, 'I'm one of the holiest people on planet earth' attitude at church and the, 'I'm the worst example of a Christian husband and father at home' reality to which I'm pointing out.
A man doesn't have to be in a leadership role at the church to fall into this trap. A Christian father has the responsibility of allowing his children to see Jesus in him. Don't take that lightly because it's a monster responsibility. So, fathers, how do you do this? You live your life the way the Bible tells us to live it. You read your Bible, seriously, not just as a show or to check a box on your list of Christian life habits. You pray and you pray for your children and with your children. Do family devotions with them and allow them to participate or ask questions. There is a lot of competition in this world for your kids. The devil will provide far too many worldly attractions for them if you don't step in and tell them about Jesus and allow them to see Him in your life. There is a great verse in Ephesians which speaks about this,
 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.  Eph 6:4
I have been speaking more to men in the previous few paragraphs but this also applies to mothers and wives also. As adults, mothers and fathers, it is our responsibility to allow our children to see Jesus through the way we live our lives. What do they see us watching on TV? There are so many other things in our daily lives which will influence our children in one way or another. The way we act at church needs to be seen by our children in the home. I have had Christian friends which had no variation at all in the way they lived their lives. It was such a blessing to visit with them in their homes and see the same people we knew from church. It was evident in their children and the way they conducted themselves. But, I also have had the experience of the opposite.
Again, it's not easy but Christianity is not easy. We have to work at it every day through prayer and Bible study. Allowing the Holy Spirit, who resides within us, to guide and direct us and to teach us.
There is a most famous word which the world is quick to throw out when they see Christians living two different lifestyles, hypocrite. And, they are right; the word in it's origin means actor. So, the final question is, "Are you an actor at church playing a role?" Don't be an actor at church; be the same person at home as you are in church, be the same person on the job as you are in church and be the same person wherever you are as you are in church. Allow the world to see Jesus through you.

-Bill Petite

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Memorial Day comes each year as the school year comes to a close and summer is at our doors. Memorial Day, at last a three day weekend, for most. People will flock to the beaches and have backyard BBQs or go to the many public parks to picnic and have fun. These are all great activities for the long weekend and there's nothing wrong with taking part in these things. But, what does this holiday really represent? How many people in this country really know what the purpose of the holiday is? For most, it is the first three day weekend of the summer, although Summer doesn't begin until June 21st. The purpose of the holiday is to remember and honor military persons who have died defending this country. Families remember the lost loved one and friends also reflect on the loss of someone they knew. Memorial Day became an official holiday in 1971.
As a Christian, I look back at my time served in Vietnam and think about the Marines I knew who were killed in that action. Back then, I wasn't saved and I didn't think too much about the destination of a soul after death. But now, as I look back, it is heart breaking to know that some of those who died around me, didn't know Jesus as their savior. Some of the guys I knew would mock the idea of coming to Jesus and put all their faith in their weapon and their combat ability. They would keep themselves alive and they would provide their own destiny. How bold and brash of them to think they were more capable than God.
I didn't know of too many Christians who were there with me. There is only one I can remember and he really never shared the gospel with anyone but he was constantly mocked for his faith. I never bothered this man about his faith in Jesus, only his inabilities on the battlefield. I always believed that Jesus walked me through that time in my life. He had chosen me for salvation and had a plan for my life; Jesus walked me through Vietnam and brought me home safely. That doesn't mean I was more special than any other man who went there. I'm sure God brought many guys through that time and walked them through some unbelievable situations.
War is the result of sin and evil in this world. When Adam and Eve broke God's commandment, it opened the door for sin to enter into the world. Wars are the result of men being manipulated by Satan himself. In reference to the devil, Jesus makes this statement about him in JN 10:10, The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy
So, in my case, young men were sent off to fight an unpopular war in a country called Vietnam. There were over 58,000 deaths as a result of this very unpopular war. How many went to their graves without a saving knowledge of Jesus? I can't do anything about the ones I knew, who are included in this number, but I can do something about the ones who are still here. Sharing the gospel is easy; telling people about Jesus is easy, if they want to hear. If they resist the message, we should not try to force it on them. The seeds were planted and God will send someone to cultivate them.
So, on this Memorial Day and as I do every Memorial Day, I will remember the ones I knew and it will continue to be heart breaking to remember those who didn't know Jesus. But, I will remember what they did as a Marine defending this country in a very unpopular war.
I used to think about how people were living their every day normal lives while we were sloshing across leach infested rice paddies. They were not mindful of us at all; they were in their own little private worlds while guys were dying or suffering severe wounds and loss of limbs. It could be frustrating if I allowed it to be but I had to close it out of my mind. The bodies in coffins with flags draped across them were being flown back daily while college campuses were a haven of young people burning draft cards and protesting the war which was killing hundreds every day. Are there still people who don't care to remember what these guys died for? Are there people in our society who are ignorant to the fact that there are still people dying to defend this country as they go about their every day life, wrapped up in there private little world? Yes, there are and that's exactly what these people died for, the freedom to do your thing and just think of Memorial Day as the first three day weekend of the summer. 
When I returned from Vietnam, I experience something unusual; I wasn't a hero or honored, I was a bad guy, a villain and somebody who couldn't be trusted. And why not, I was a Vietnam Vet and I killed babies and women and did nasty things to them. Oh how easy the mind is poisoned, I never witnessed any of this type of activity when I was there.
There isn't a law which says anybody has to reflect on what Memorial Day means or stands for but with the first bite of that burger, just remember why we still have the freedom we do. If the thousands of men who died in WW II had failed to defend this country, I might not be writing this about Memorial Day. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Christian Works or Social Justice

We hear a lot about social justice in our society today. I have even read that many Mainline churches are revitalizing their numbers through 'social justice' activities. One pastor claimed that since Jesus was involved in this type of activity, then we need to also be involved. This man is a pastor of a Mainline church in Manhattan, NY. But, I am not sure that Jesus was involved in the same type of work he is referring to. A lot of these churches (Mainline) are working in a realm of political and secular type social works. The definition of social justice is, according to Webster: a state or doctrine of egalitarianism. OK, now I'm sure you're asking, "What is egalitarianism?" According to Webster, a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs. So, was Jesus a socialist? I would have to say no; at least not in the sense we view a socialist today or according to the definition. According to Jesus, when it comes to salvation, we are all equal. Jesus grew up in a very modest home in regards to income and social status. Jesus never talked about politics or supported any type of political movement and He never denounced anyone's economical status, providing the person put God first. In this last example, the rich young ruler comes to mind. The rich young ruler could not part with his wealth and put the Lord first. And the Apostle Paul tells Timothy that it is the love of money which is the root of all kinds of evil and corrupts people, not just money itself. The Lord has many wealthy and successful followers today who are committed to the work of God and donate generously to that work. So, Jesus was not of the mindset that, if you have it you need to give it to everybody else. Paul told the Thessalonians,
 Even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.”  2 Thess 3:10
 Jesus' view of equality was everyone is seen by God as equal and Jesus didn't just die on the cross for a few or a selected number but for all. Social Justice as we know it today did not play a part in Jesus' ministry. But, you might ask, "Didn't Jesus feed the masses and heal and restore life?" The answer is yes. But, He fed the masses out of compassion for them and as a method to increase the faith of His disciples and continue to allow them to see He was the Messiah. He had asked Phillip where they could find enough food to feed all the people and Phillip responded with a figure. But, Jesus wasn't really asking to get an answer to the situation since He already knew what He was going to do. He was testing Phillip. Now, some will say this situation is a classic example of socialism as we know it today because the young boy gave his bread and fish to help feed the crowd. Really? Five loaves of bread and two small fish to feed over 5,000 people? That's not going to happen. It took a miracle by Jesus to multiply the loaves and the fish to feed all these people and also to have left overs. This was a miracle performed by Jesus Himself. He didn't do it because He was a socialist, He did it to let everyone present see that He is Lord and nothing is beyond His capabilities and to glorify His Father. To prove this, when they all went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, they found Jesus and began to question Him about how and when He got there. (This followed the walking on the water event) He responded to them,

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, you want to be with me because I fed you, not because you understood the miraculous signs.  But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval.”        JN 6:26-27
He didn't tell them to learn from the socialist example He had set for them but to seek eternal life. Jesus was not a socialist; everything He did, He did for a reason and to bring glory to God the Father not to promote a better worldly atmosphere.
The social works of many of these religious organizations do nothing to increase or build the kingdom of God. Many do nothing in order to bring to suffering people the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Their agenda is set on racism, women's rights for abortion, gun control and many other political agendas. Where, in these so called battles, is there a path to salvation through Jesus Christ? The numbers in the mainline churches are increasing simply because it gives many people an organization in which they can fight these worldly battles. There is no interest in Jesus or salvation or, in many cases, there is no path to salvation provided.
Jesus did set an example for us in these workings of miracles. In showing His compassion and love for them by feeding or healing or restoring life, He was reaching their needs and that is the attention getter. They were able to see who He was and eventually what He would do for them. We, too, can use that example today as a means of reaching the lost souls of this world. When we provide for their needs and begin to tell them about Jesus, they will be willing to listen. Of course, not everyone is going to hear you out but I have fed a lot of people who eventually saw the love of Christ and accepted Him as their savior. Outreach ministry is so important in letting others know about Jesus. Just setting up in a public park, cooking hot dogs and feeding people is an easy way of reaching many with the gospel message.
My daughter and her husband, who is a pastor, are involved in getting the word out concerning trafficking in persons. The numbers of people who are enslaved in the world of human trafficking today is stunning. There are Christians involved in undercover work to expose these rings of human traffickers. Now, this is the kind of 'where the rubber meets the road work for Jesus.' Can you imagine, just imagine being trafficked and sold as a sex slave or prostitute and that is your everyday life. Can you image that life? I not sure I can but I can understand what it must be like. I can also understand how grateful these people must be to those who help free them. There are many being freed as a result of this undercover work and many are accepting Jesus when they are told about Him and how, through Jesus, these workers were able to expose these evil people who enslaved them. It is not only the undercover work but all those who work to bring this to the attention of a society which doesn't seem to want to know about it. This is a work for Jesus; it not only frees these people from their physical slavery but from the bondage of sin and evil. Jesus did that by driving the demons from people; they were freed from the sinful and evil of possession and given life with Jesus.
So, the next time you hear about social justice in the Church, stop and ask yourself, "Is this work bringing glory to Jesus or just satisfying a worldly cause?" James tells us we show our faith through the work we do for Jesus. If we feed the hungry, help the poor, tell the world about human trafficking, scrub the bathroom at church, teach Sunday School or pastor a church, are we doing it to glorify God or for some other selfish reason?
We can all be very busy in different types of works, but are we doing it for Jesus or for us? You might remember the story of the two sisters, Martha and Mary, While Jesus was at their home for dinner, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened as He taught and Martha was just busying herself in the preparation of the meal. Martha complained to Jesus that she was having to do all the work while her sister just sat there. Jesus explained that Mary in choosing to listen to Him had done the good thing and it's something she would never loose. So, just busying ourselves with what we might think is important work for God might not be anything but a distraction. Social activism within the Church can be very detrimental to the real work which needs to be done and is pushed aside to accommodate a work for the world.
We need to follow the examples set forth by Jesus and others we read about in His word. But, we must know what is a true work for Jesus and what is nothing more than a worldly agenda being served. If the work doesn't glorify God, it must be glorifying a worldly agenda.

--Bill Petite

Thursday, May 10, 2018

How Deep Are Your Roots?

I am not a farmer and the easiest thing for me to grow is weeds. A couple of months ago, I planted two tomato plants and some pepper plants and the healthiest looking tomato plant just died one day. I had fed it with Miracle Grow and kept it watered but one morning I went out and it was shriveled and dying. This morning, I pulled that plant out of the ground thinking the main stem must have broken beneath the ground surface. But when I pulled it up, I realized the roots had not went very deep into the ground. I did all the right stuff when I planted it; I fertilized and kept the weeds away and continued to feed it and water it but if the roots don't develop and run deeper than these did, it will die.
How similar is this situation to our own Christian lives? If our roots, in our belief and trust in Jesus, don't run deep enough, our spiritual well being will soon wilt. How deep are your roots? Sometimes, I feel like my roots are at the surface and gasping for air. We all have those days when things just don't line up, when things are seeming to work against you. But when our roots have been given the opportunity to develop and grow, we will be able to handle those days and anything else the enemy will toss our way.
But there is more to having our roots running deep in Jesus than having a good day. What does it mean to have a good root system or to have our roots run deep? It would be easy for me to use the parable of the sower as an example but that deals basically with heart conditions when given the gospel message. After we are saved, our hearts must continue to be fertile, as stated in Jesus' explanation of this parable as stated in verse 23 of this passage in Matthew.

The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”

What is Jesus saying, concerning a harvest which produces a multiple times as many as what was planted? When I heard the gospel message, regardless of how it was delivered, the seed was planted in my heart, one seed. That is the way it works; when the gospel seed is planted into our hearts and its roots run deep, there will be many more gospel seeds planted by that one person. Every time we tell someone about Jesus, we are planting a seed. Now, it may fall on a footpath, shallow soil, among thorns or on a fertile, softened heart ready to receive Jesus as their savior. But, if the roots have not ran deep and their is no evidence of fruit in that life, there probably won't be much production in the way of planting gospel seeds. 
We can't know the absolute truth concerning any one's salvation; only God knows their heart and its condition. Sometimes we are quick to make a determination concerning someone's salvation and we could be wrong. What I mean by this is making a judgement call on another person's relationship with Jesus. If we look at all those heart conditions listed in the parable, all but the fertile soil will eventually prove there is no relationship with Jesus. I have been around a number of people who have claimed to be saved but in a matter of a few months, they were busy denying their salvation or living the life which they had been living prior to their false claim. Once the novelty wears off, they don't want bothered with it any longer and it's obvious there is no relationship with Jesus. They might as well hang a sign on the neck proclaiming they are not saved. For the true believer, the person who is a true follower of Jesus, what is obvious is the fruit production. The proclaimer of a said faith will have no desire to tell others about Jesus or to be involved in outreach ministry or intense Bible study and prayer. Oh, don't misunderstand, initially they will be excited about some of this stuff but it will soon wane and the excitement is gone. They soon begin to wilt and eventually die to the experience of the church life because for them, that's all it was. It was nothing more than an experience in church life, not a living relationship with Jesus. Here's how Paul describes it in Galatians chapter 5, verses 22-23,

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

If we don't see any of these in the life of a person, there might be a problem. Now, we are not going to produce all of these all of the time or the same time but, there should be some evidence of something mentioned here. And, it doesn't mean we have nothing to do with that person either. We must encourage and speak Jesus into their lives when we have the opportunity. Don't challenge them in way as to put them down or be critical. This will do nothing but push them away. We must show them the love of Jesus, allow the Spirit to soften their heart to the point it is fertile and ready.

So, how do we keep those roots running deep? Here's a list of things we can do to maintain that deep rooted relationship with Jesus. Prayer, good solid communication with God. Sincere, from the heart communication with God. He is not our sugar daddy as some would want you to believe so prayer is not a laundry list of I need or I want. God does know our needs and He will provide in His time and His way. God just wants to hear from us; for some, He hasn't heard from them in years. I read where a pastor admitted he hadn't prayed for 20 years! Jesus already knows our concerns, our ailments and our needs; He just wants to hear from us concerning these things.
Next is Bible study. As we read and study the Bible, we will then know more about how to pray and communicate with God. Bible reading and the study of it will enrich our Christian lives. It is our manual for living, it is our book of instruction and provides every bit of information we need for this Christian life and a deep roots system. A daily Bible reading program is extremely helpful and very beneficial in being more familiar with God's word. There are far to many Christians with a shallow root system and it starts with the lack of Bible reading and general knowledge of God's word. Bible study with a group is really helpful. A good Bible study, which actually studies the Bible and not some book about the Bible or something else, will provide a means of spiritual growth to help support deep roots. There are a number of different Bible studies available at most churches and if not, find one. It doesn't matter if it's a men's or women's or mixed group study, it will be very helpful and a blessing.
Finally, fellowship with other believers. The Bible tells us to meet together, to encourage one another, to pray for one another and it also tells us to correct and rebuke when necessary. Fellowship with other Christians is essential to our growth. Proverbs 27:17 tells us, 

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

So, how's your root system doing? I know I work at trying to keep mine healthy and deeper but it's is not a simple task. We have to put in the work and with Jesus as our guide and our savior, He will always be there to strengthen us when we have that tendency to get weaker or slower in our walk with Him. Remember, a closer walk with Jesus provides a strong, healthy root system and that close walk comes by way of the practices I listed above. In the words of an old hymn, "Trust and obey, for there's no other way....."

-Bill Petite

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Who or What is The Church of Wells?

Maybe some of you were able see an episode of Dr. Phil earlier this week concerning the Church of Wells. So, who or what is the Church of Wells? It is a local church which is located in Wells TX which is about 40 to 50 miles south of Tyler TX. It is actually about a two hour ride from where I am writing this. I didn't see the entire episode of Dr. Phil since this is not on my list of TV shows to watch. I did, however, catch about the final five minutes of that episode as I was waiting for a local newscast to begin. It got me thinking about who these people are; what little I heard at the end of that episode led me to believe this is a cult. It sounded like one of those brainwashing cults who lure people in and then in a very subtle manner convince them to adhere to the cults way of thinking. Now, at this point, there are many secularist who would declare, "That's what Christianity is and does." No, that's not what Christianity does. When I began to hear about Jesus Christ, who He was and what He did for me, I knew I had to do my research on this guy. What I discovered was, everything I had been told was true. Jesus is a loving and forgiving God. Salvation comes through Him as a result of His death on the cross and His resurrection. Nobody had to lure me into a building and begin to drug me and convince me through lies that Jesus is God. His Holy Spirit come to live inside of me and gave me that new life.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Cor 5:17

But the Church of Wells doesn't provide this path to salvation for those who they lure in. The following statements are from a web site which has done extensive research on the Church of Wells:

Concerning salvation: 

The elders make a judgment call on candidates wishing to join the cult group in Wells, Texas. The elders pass conclusive judgement in regard to whether a candidate or member is “saved” or not. It has been hinted at that they believe that their elders hold an “ability” to “know” at a level that is more than mere biblical discernment, having a supernatural, God given, spiritual “ability” to “know” definitively about the condition of a soul.

Does anyone remember David Koresh? He thought or proclaimed, he was Jesus. We all know how that ended and, of course, he took many of his followers down with him. The one sure sign of a cult is control. This group encourages people to disown or shun their families and everything outside of this group. The idea is the followers will be corrupted by the outsiders. They claim to follow a strict adherence to the Bible and its teaching on how to live pure holy lives according to the way God wants them to live. Now, this is good advice for Christians but, does your pastor refuse your fellowship with people outside of the church? Does your pastor tell you how you must live your life? Does your pastor dictate everything in your life? This group, or should I say, these leaders, manipulate and control the lives of the followers who are in this cult. How about Stockholm syndrome? The members are constantly being indoctrinated by these leaders and are slowly believing everything they are told by these guys.

Stockholm syndrome, or capture bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors. Definition from

The leaders of this group are referred to as elders and at times, by their followers, as prophets of God. The leaders are opposed to everything the true Church of Jesus Christ stands for. They claim they, and only they, have the absolute truth and everyone outside their little world is doomed to hell. There have been members or followers leave and these leaders have declared 'death judgements' on them. Of course, these phony death judgements never came to pass but that didn't stir followers to realize these were false prophecies and proclamations.  The Bible is clear on the speaking of false prophecies,
“But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?’  If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.  DT 18:21-22

How do these guys recruit? In the same way every other cult does; they prey on the victims of dissatisfaction. They may be unhappy with life in general or they may be unhappy with the church they are attending. New, immature Christians are easy targets because they haven't had time to grow spiritually and be able to discern what is true and not true. It sounds so right to them because these guys use all the right lingo and phrases. So, they give it a try and before they know it, they are sucked in and buying into the lie.
The following link is for a local newspaper in Tyler TX which reported on one of the families affected by this cult.
The article tells of one of the families seen on the Dr. Phil episode and how their son spent five days with this cult. The family stated that they submitted a hair follicle for drug testing and found muscle relaxers and a sleep aid. Why would you pastor ask or tell you to take these before counseling with you? Hopefully he wouldn't. The article does not say if he was directed to take it or if it was slipped into food or drink. But, it appears to be another tactic they use to indoctrinate a person into the beliefs of the group.
This cult is the extreme example of what is know as shepherding. This is a type of leadership used in some the more hyper-charismatic movements. Years ago, I had some friends who were caught up in these types of churches. These guys were referred to, in the church, as pastors but they never had any pastoral type responsibilities. They would work full time jobs Monday through Friday and had to be at the church all day Saturday. What did they do at the church on Saturday? Basically nothing, they just had to be there. They couldn't take a vacation with their family unless they received approval from the leader assigned to them and the leader had to get that approval directly from the pastor. And, don't fail to show up on a Saturday. One of these guys left that church but he was so broken he didn't consider himself worthy enough to be involved in any kind of ministry let alone teach the Bible. I encouraged him repeatedly to seek the word of God and understand what it said to him. In time he did recover but it was a tragedy to see what this church had done to him.
Another local church which I had friends attending was similar but they went to the extent of preaching the only place one could be saved was in that church. I attended a program they were having and at the end of the skit they preformed, church leaders would roam through the crowd and ask if people were saved. A friend of ours who was with us was asked and she said yes. She was then asked where she got saved and she responded and then she was told if she wasn't saved in that church, she wasn't truly saved.
 I had a friend come out of this movement who is now a pastor. He once told me he knew something wasn't right but it took him a while to figure it out. He told me what did the trick was he believed the Bible more than the church teachings. Imagine that.
I had never heard of this small cult in Wells TX but now I have and I believe we are called to send out the warning and let others know. The Bible is clear on who Jesus is and what He stands for. It is so easy to be misled if we are not reading and studying and knowing what the Bible teaches. When we know what the real thing looks like, the phonies will stand out clearly.

Bill Petite