Memorial Day comes each year as the school year comes to a close and summer is at our doors. Memorial Day, at last a three day weekend, for most. People will flock to the beaches and have backyard BBQs or go to the many public parks to picnic and have fun. These are all great activities for the long weekend and there's nothing wrong with taking part in these things. But, what does this holiday really represent? How many people in this country really know what the purpose of the holiday is? For most, it is the first three day weekend of the summer, although Summer doesn't begin until June 21st. The purpose of the holiday is to remember and honor military persons who have died defending this country. Families remember the lost loved one and friends also reflect on the loss of someone they knew. Memorial Day became an official holiday in 1971.
As a Christian, I look back at my time served in Vietnam and think about the Marines I knew who were killed in that action. Back then, I wasn't saved and I didn't think too much about the destination of a soul after death. But now, as I look back, it is heart breaking to know that some of those who died around me, didn't know Jesus as their savior. Some of the guys I knew would mock the idea of coming to Jesus and put all their faith in their weapon and their combat ability. They would keep themselves alive and they would provide their own destiny. How bold and brash of them to think they were more capable than God.
I didn't know of too many Christians who were there with me. There is only one I can remember and he really never shared the gospel with anyone but he was constantly mocked for his faith. I never bothered this man about his faith in Jesus, only his inabilities on the battlefield. I always believed that Jesus walked me through that time in my life. He had chosen me for salvation and had a plan for my life; Jesus walked me through Vietnam and brought me home safely. That doesn't mean I was more special than any other man who went there. I'm sure God brought many guys through that time and walked them through some unbelievable situations.
War is the result of sin and evil in this world. When Adam and Eve broke God's commandment, it opened the door for sin to enter into the world. Wars are the result of men being manipulated by Satan himself. In reference to the devil, Jesus makes this statement about him in JN 10:10, The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.
So, in my case, young men were sent off to fight an unpopular war in a country called Vietnam. There were over 58,000 deaths as a result of this very unpopular war. How many went to their graves without a saving knowledge of Jesus? I can't do anything about the ones I knew, who are included in this number, but I can do something about the ones who are still here. Sharing the gospel is easy; telling people about Jesus is easy, if they want to hear. If they resist the message, we should not try to force it on them. The seeds were planted and God will send someone to cultivate them.
So, on this Memorial Day and as I do every Memorial Day, I will remember the ones I knew and it will continue to be heart breaking to remember those who didn't know Jesus. But, I will remember what they did as a Marine defending this country in a very unpopular war.
I used to think about how people were living their every day normal lives while we were sloshing across leach infested rice paddies. They were not mindful of us at all; they were in their own little private worlds while guys were dying or suffering severe wounds and loss of limbs. It could be frustrating if I allowed it to be but I had to close it out of my mind. The bodies in coffins with flags draped across them were being flown back daily while college campuses were a haven of young people burning draft cards and protesting the war which was killing hundreds every day. Are there still people who don't care to remember what these guys died for? Are there people in our society who are ignorant to the fact that there are still people dying to defend this country as they go about their every day life, wrapped up in there private little world? Yes, there are and that's exactly what these people died for, the freedom to do your thing and just think of Memorial Day as the first three day weekend of the summer.
When I returned from Vietnam, I experience something unusual; I wasn't a hero or honored, I was a bad guy, a villain and somebody who couldn't be trusted. And why not, I was a Vietnam Vet and I killed babies and women and did nasty things to them. Oh how easy the mind is poisoned, I never witnessed any of this type of activity when I was there.
There isn't a law which says anybody has to reflect on what Memorial Day means or stands for but with the first bite of that burger, just remember why we still have the freedom we do. If the thousands of men who died in WW II had failed to defend this country, I might not be writing this about Memorial Day.
As a Christian, I look back at my time served in Vietnam and think about the Marines I knew who were killed in that action. Back then, I wasn't saved and I didn't think too much about the destination of a soul after death. But now, as I look back, it is heart breaking to know that some of those who died around me, didn't know Jesus as their savior. Some of the guys I knew would mock the idea of coming to Jesus and put all their faith in their weapon and their combat ability. They would keep themselves alive and they would provide their own destiny. How bold and brash of them to think they were more capable than God.
I didn't know of too many Christians who were there with me. There is only one I can remember and he really never shared the gospel with anyone but he was constantly mocked for his faith. I never bothered this man about his faith in Jesus, only his inabilities on the battlefield. I always believed that Jesus walked me through that time in my life. He had chosen me for salvation and had a plan for my life; Jesus walked me through Vietnam and brought me home safely. That doesn't mean I was more special than any other man who went there. I'm sure God brought many guys through that time and walked them through some unbelievable situations.
War is the result of sin and evil in this world. When Adam and Eve broke God's commandment, it opened the door for sin to enter into the world. Wars are the result of men being manipulated by Satan himself. In reference to the devil, Jesus makes this statement about him in JN 10:10, The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.
So, in my case, young men were sent off to fight an unpopular war in a country called Vietnam. There were over 58,000 deaths as a result of this very unpopular war. How many went to their graves without a saving knowledge of Jesus? I can't do anything about the ones I knew, who are included in this number, but I can do something about the ones who are still here. Sharing the gospel is easy; telling people about Jesus is easy, if they want to hear. If they resist the message, we should not try to force it on them. The seeds were planted and God will send someone to cultivate them.
So, on this Memorial Day and as I do every Memorial Day, I will remember the ones I knew and it will continue to be heart breaking to remember those who didn't know Jesus. But, I will remember what they did as a Marine defending this country in a very unpopular war.
I used to think about how people were living their every day normal lives while we were sloshing across leach infested rice paddies. They were not mindful of us at all; they were in their own little private worlds while guys were dying or suffering severe wounds and loss of limbs. It could be frustrating if I allowed it to be but I had to close it out of my mind. The bodies in coffins with flags draped across them were being flown back daily while college campuses were a haven of young people burning draft cards and protesting the war which was killing hundreds every day. Are there still people who don't care to remember what these guys died for? Are there people in our society who are ignorant to the fact that there are still people dying to defend this country as they go about their every day life, wrapped up in there private little world? Yes, there are and that's exactly what these people died for, the freedom to do your thing and just think of Memorial Day as the first three day weekend of the summer.
When I returned from Vietnam, I experience something unusual; I wasn't a hero or honored, I was a bad guy, a villain and somebody who couldn't be trusted. And why not, I was a Vietnam Vet and I killed babies and women and did nasty things to them. Oh how easy the mind is poisoned, I never witnessed any of this type of activity when I was there.
There isn't a law which says anybody has to reflect on what Memorial Day means or stands for but with the first bite of that burger, just remember why we still have the freedom we do. If the thousands of men who died in WW II had failed to defend this country, I might not be writing this about Memorial Day.
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