Sunday, October 1, 2023

When They Come Knocking


On any given Saturday, there might be someone knocking on your door. It could be a door-to-door salesman (yes, they still exist), a neighbor or it could be two people from the Watchtower Society. These people are better known as The Jehovah’s Witness. When they come knocking, it always seems to catch you off-guard, right? Then your first impulse might be to just tell them you’re not interested and slam the door. But, as a Christian, we should consider that these people are destined for eternal suffering if they don’t hear the truth.

In my many years as a Christian, I have had several encounters with JWs at my door. Understand and know that Satan is very intelligent and wise and knows exactly when to have them interrupt your day. It’s mostly when you don’t expect them or when you’re having a bad day or following a spiritual high. Whatever the situation, you are never expecting them and if you are, they don’t come. I don’t think I have ever heard a Christian tell me they waited anxiously by their door on Saturday morning waiting for the JWs to come knocking. Actually, I’ve never heard anyone say that Christian or not.

But when they do come, you don’t have to be an expert on their doctrines and beliefs. What you need to know is what the Bible says. Studying the Bible and knowing its truth is the best weapon you can have against any cult or false doctrine. So, if you know your Bible, all you need to do is listen to their rhetoric and the false beliefs will be glaring. When they tell you that Jesus was just a man and not God or a different God, you will know that is a lie and not what the Bible teaches. (I don’t mean you have to listen to them go on and on) Always keep in mind that these people have bought into a lie and some of them for twenty or thirty years. They actually believe they have the truth. And that lie is leading them straight to hell and eternal suffering.

Don’t argue with them; that gains nothing, and you can’t argue anyone into heaven. I used to love debating with them and getting the “upper hand” so to speak. But in my aging years and ongoing maturity in my faith, I now have a sense of compassion for them while knowing they are doomed for hell if they don’t know and accept the truth. Just last week, on Saturday morning, two JW women came knocking at my door. One is always the primary speaker and more than likely a mentor of sorts to their partner. That seems to be the way they work. When I went out to greet them, I, at first, thought they were from a local church, so I told them I was a Christian and had been in ministry for years.

The primary seemed to like that or accepted it as a challenge but that was not my intent. When I asked what church they were from, she told me, “The Jehovah’s Witness.” Yes, it caught me off guard since I was expecting to have a brief conversation with two Christian women involved in a cold door knocking ministry. So, I quickly gathered myself and the woman began to tell me that they were at my door to tell me about the kingdom of God. She rattled on with some other nonsense and I informed them that I already have the kingdom of God within me. It was as if I had swooshed them back a step. They were almost leaning back in surprise at what I had said. Then I began to feel the compassion kicking in and I had to tell them the truth. They needed to know who Jesus really is.

The primary went to John 1:1 and I waited until she got to ‘the word was a god’ and I stopped her. I informed her that the interpretation of their New World Translation was incorrect. I explained that the original Greek which that was written in does not include the word, or article, a, because it does not exist in the Greek language. I also informed her that Col. 1:15-16 are translated incorrectly in their Bible. Where it says that Christ is the creator of all things, the word other is inserted and it is not in the original Greek manuscript. Again, they were a little stunned and then immediately said, “Well, we want to talk about the kingdom of God.” That’s when I informed them that I already have the kingdom of God within me. But before I could explain what I meant by that, and as they usually do when you have given them information they can’t respond to, they made their excuses for why they had to rush off and left. I wanted to spend more time explaining who Jesus really is, what He has done for us and how to be saved. But that’s not part of their training and indoctrination.

Let them talk when they first approach you. If you have told them you are a Christian, then set the ground rules. Tell them you will listen to them if they will listen to you. Now, sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t. Most times when you began to counter their lies with the truth, they have not been trained on this or how to respond. So, they make an excuse for why they have to go and then leave. That’s one approach but I simply allow them to talk and when they get to the heart of the lie, I stop them. For example, if they insist that Jesus is not God, as one told me last week, and it doesn’t say it in the Bible, stop them. At that point a simple, “Yes, the Bible does say that. Jesus said the Father and I are one.” But they might try to say He simply meant they are one as father and son are one of a kind or some other nonsense. They can’t prove that lie.

But remember, don’t get into an argument with them. Just explain what the Bible really does say. And remember they have been fed those lies for years. Don’t expect them to drop their New World Translation and start doing cartwheels in your front yard and praising the one true God. I’m not saying God can’t do that, but it would be an extreme rarity.

Over the years I have heard stories about how they have had hot water thrown on them, dogs sicked on them and even threatened with violence if they didn’t leave. I always wanted them to know I was never going to do anything like that. But I always let them know I am a Christian and in no way would ever buy into their cultish teachings. After that, it was up to them if they wanted to talk. Just listen closely and the lies will begin to stand out loud and clear, if you know your Bible. If you don’t want to talk with them, just politely let them know you can’t hear them out at that time and then include them in your prayers. Remember, they are headed for hell if they are not saved. These unsaved people are coming to your door and it’s a golden opportunity to tell them the truth about Jesus and the free gift of salvation. You don’t even have to leave your home to tell these people about the gospel.

Just remember, they might show up when you least expect it. You might be working on a project, preparing to go somewhere or just going through a normal routine on a Saturday morning. (It’s not always on a Saturday) Try not to be rude or offensive. And don’t think you have a superior knowledge over them. Simply allow the Holy Spirit to lead the conversation. And remember what a golden opportunity it is to be able to have them at your front door so you can tell them about the real Jesus. Two men caught me in my garage on a Saturday morning when I was only months into my Christianity. I wasn’t expecting them and wasn’t totally prepared. Before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed by, and the Holy Spirit had continued to give the words I needed to fend off the lies and false teachings they were throwing at me.

Again, the best way to be prepared or ready is by reading and studying the Bible. When you know that, you will always be prepared. As Paul told Timothy in 2 Tim 2:15-16.

Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth. Avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior.


And what Peter says in 1 Pet 3:15-16,

Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.

Don’t look at them as if they are a bother or just interrupting your day. These are people who must hear the truth about Jesus. They are destined for eternal suffering if they are not saved. It is no different than an unsaved family member or friend. You don't know that God might have sent them to you to hear the gospel message and the truth. And they are coming to you to hear the gospel but just like you were not expecting them, they are not expecting to hear the truth. Tell them and plant some seeds and pray for them.

-Bill Petite


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