Saturday, June 11, 2022

Stand Up and Tell Others

Steve was tired; he had experienced one of those days. It had been physically and mentally tiring. After finishing his evening meal, he decided to turn on the TV and watch the news. Steve, a Christian for over twenty years, sat and watched the news as he had occasionally done for years but this night was different. His attention was focused on a story concerning what he might consider child abuse and perversion. Children in local schools were being taught they could change they gender identities if they were uncomfortable with the one they were assigned at birth. Another story followed concerning children being read to by a drag queen in a public library. Steve asked himself out loud, “Why haven’t I heard about this before?” His wife came into the room and asked what he had said, thinking he was talking to her. He repeated the question to his wife. “Why haven’t we heard about this stuff at our church or by other Christians?” She asked him, “What stuff?” Steve explained to her what he had seen and heard. Then he said, "We need to stand up and tell others about this."

Steve and his wife are not the only people, or Christians, who were not familiar with these issues. Of course, at this time, most people in this country are aware of these issues. The problem lies with the fact that far too many local churches and individual Christians just turn their backs on them. They prefer not to make waves or be labeled a trouble maker, bigot or one of many other names and labels being attached to people who oppose this movement. Pastors don’t want to address it for fear of being fired or worse, publicly attacked. Maybe they are more concerned with keeping people coming back or not offending visitors. After all, success for a pastor is a bigger church with a bigger gathering, right? Well, some believe that but I don’t.

It's amazing how such a small percentage of the population can have so much influence on everyone else. Well, it’s actually more than those who have taken part in this sin. The secular news media, the internet and social media are all behind these people and if you oppose them, you are labeled a bigot and canceled. How do you cancel Jesus? How do you stand in the way off God? I don’t think you can and I don’t want to find out. Also, the leaders in this country are onboard with this sinful cultural move. The leaders of this nation have turned their heads to abortion, Gay lifestyles and now a movement which tells little boys and girls they can choose to have their bodies butchered in order to switch gender identities. Does the word butcher sound a little cruel? If you think so, then Google a man by the name of Scott Newgent and learn what he went through when he transgendered from a woman to a man.

Government leaders and church leaders are all guilty of either turning their heads to this or simply ignoring it or worse yet, supporting it. Pastors and elders as well as general church leadership who are ignoring this situation should go back and bone up on the corrupt nation of Israel in the Old Testament. It’s just my opinion but that nation, at that time, has nothing on this country. The national sin of this country outweighs their shortfalls. And they were God’s chosen nation to tell the world about Him.

In Ezekiel chapter eight, God takes Ezekiel to the Temple in Jerusalem from his home in exile and shows him the sins being committed by the leaders of Israel. They were all worshipping idols and false Gods. They had turned their backs on God and were worshipping these false gods and committing terrible sins. God made this statement to Ezekiel.

 “Have you seen this, son of man?” he asked. “Is it nothing to the people of Judah that they commit these detestable sins, leading the whole nation into violence, thumbing their noses at me, and provoking my anger? Therefore, I will respond in fury. I will neither pity nor spare them. And though they cry for mercy, I will not listen.”                Ezk 8:17-18

For those people who still believe the US is a Christian nation, you need to take a good look at what’s going on. The phrases in the above verses, ‘leading the whole nation into violence’ and ‘thumbing their noses at me’ describes what’s going on here. One of our purposes as Christians is to tell the world about Jesus; who He is and what He has done for us. We need to pray about these issues and this sin. If anyone of us has ignored these sinful issues or has just hoped it would go away, repent and ask God to forgive you and give you the boldness to stand up and oppose these evil practices. Also, it might be mentioned in a church Bible study or service but if it stays inside that building, it does nothing. We all (Christians) need to be ready to defend the faith and explain why we believe what we believe about Jesus and His provided salvation.

And yes, you will be mocked and scoffed but you can’t allow that to stop you. Remember that He who is you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 JN 4:4) So, don’t be afraid to speak up and speak out for the Lord. The Holy Spirit is with us all the time and He will give us the words to say if we only trust in Him. This world is an evil place filled with evil people but our God is a mighty God who is still in control and knows the beginning from the end. He has saved us from our sin and will empower us to stand up for Him. These people who are caught up with these evil, sinful practices will either realize their sin and turn to the Lord or they will die and suffer for eternity. That is why we talk to them but if they insist on living in this sin and reject God, well Jude has a message for them.

 But these people scoff at things they do not understand. Like unthinking animals, they do whatever their instincts tell them, and so they bring about their own destruction.  What sorrow awaits them! For they follow in the footsteps of Cain, who killed his brother. Like Balaam, they deceive people for money. And like Korah, they perish in their rebellion.   Jude 10-11

The following Sunday morning, Steve approached his pastor and asked why the church had heard nothing about these issues.


Bill Petite


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