Thursday, April 21, 2022

Who Are You?


(The following is an excerpt from my book, Narrow is the Gate. It is taken from the 10th and final chapter of the book.)

Who Are You?


 “Whether you want to be or not, you’re an example of a believer to those people around you. Being a Christian is a glorious thrill! It is also a fantastic responsibility. People are watching me to find out what a Christian looks like, and what he is.”-Chuck Smith


Recently, I watched a Christian based movie in which one man asked another the question, “Who are you?” At the time, I thought that was such a profound question to ask anyone. Both men were Christians but the man who answered the question listed all his roles in life and his occupation and finally he said he was a Christian. My first thought was the man should have said that first; then the other man asked him why he listed that last and the movie continued on.

How many people, in real life and not in a movie, would have answered the same way. Aren’t we, at times, quick to list our worldly accomplishments and achievements before we even think to mention we are a Christian? Shouldn’t that be the first thing out of our mouths when we are asked, “Who are you?” I might give my name and then the fact that I am a Christian. There have been times I have responded to an inquiry with a Christian oriented type response and then was asked why I answered that way. I tell the person I am a Christian and then explain, as a Christian, why I answered the way I did. This also opens the door for an opportunity to witness to the person and tell him/her about Jesus.

 So, if the question is asked of you, how will you respond? Will you tell the person you are a Christian? Or will you give your name and achievements in life? If I were interviewing an individual for employment, this would be a great question to ask. But I’m sure I would get there resume verbally. It’s a great question to find out who a person is and what is important in their life. Most people would say, “Tell me about yourself.” But, “Who are you?” is more to the point and much more blunt.

 As Chuck Smith says in the quote at the beginning of this chapter, we, as Christians are all examples. For those around us daily who know we are Christians, they are definitely watching. I remember when I got saved on the job; it was the craziest place I had ever worked. The people were a rowdy bunch and there was alcohol and drugs used daily. It was, as I have often referred to it, the devil’s playground. My first book, A Rose in The Desert[1], tells the story of just how crazy and evil this place was and how the Lord came into that place and began to change hearts and save people.

People were watching the few of us who were Christians. As more people were saved, more people were watching. The people who were watching were watching at a distance, at first. They were waiting for us to slip up; they were waiting for us to curse and swear as we lost our tempers or were frustrated by something on the job. But those times were far apart and few. I was saved for a week when I realized I had not uttered a curse or swear word since I was saved. The Lord knew we were being scrutinized and under a close watchful eye.

Eventually, some of the guys began to ask questions about our new found ‘religion’ and why we didn’t participate in their evil and nasty games anymore. We had those opportunities to explain to them what Jesus had done in our lives and how He had changed us. They could see the changes but they didn’t believe they would last. They were sure we would be back to our old selves soon.

They didn’t believe any of it; they didn’t believe Jesus was God or that He could change anyone. It took time but they soon began to see we weren’t going to return to our old evil ways and this new life we were living was the real thing. Some of these guys were eventually saved and others continued on in their sinful lifestyles.

The main point is someone will be or is watching you. You might not be aware of it but someone is watching. There are different reasons for them to watch; like I said earlier, either they are waiting for you to slip up and call you a hypocrite or they are sincerely interested in what you have. But never forget it would be a good opportunity to tell them about Jesus if and when they approach you. I remember one man making a statement to me about not drinking alcohol anymore because I got ‘religion.’

I simply explained that it wasn’t religion I had but it was a relationship with Jesus. He accepted that and then moved on. He was a guy who lived to give people a hard time; he enjoyed picking on people about anything. He was the type of guy you didn’t want to see first thing in the morning and if you did, you didn’t even look at him. But he didn’t give me any flack at all when I explained my relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit will have an affect on anyone at any time. This man, who was course and a heckler, was soft spoken and cordial during this conversation.

 Who are you? The answer is, “I am a Christian.” And that answer is a compacted answer which contains a lot of information which needs to be unpacked and revealed to those who don’t know the Lord. Just to say, I am a Christian, does not tell the individual asking the question all the information included in the answer. The next question might be, “And, what is a Christian and what does it mean?” This is the point in time when you begin to explain what a Christian is and what is required to become a Christian. Why are you referred to as a Christian? What does a Christian do and why is it important to be a Christian? The questions could continue to flow depending on the conversation but it should be made clear why we are Christians and how we became Christians and why it is important in this life.

 In the other chapters in this book, we discussed topics which are, for the most part, not aligned with the word of God or do not glorify God. Cultural Christianity consists of people who think they’re saved because of certain worldly attributes but are not. Because of the worldly agenda and traditions they follow, they truly believe they are going to heaven. Abortion is not sanctioned or approved of by the word of God. It is what it is and that is murder. You can slap any kind of nice sounding name or label to it, such as, women’s health or women’s reproductive rights, but it is still the killing of unborn babies. This does not please God.

Gay marriage and the Gay lifestyle are not alright with God, as many in that movement will say. Politicians and activists will misquote scripture and twist it to say what they want it to say but it is not what God says. You can tell the cop who stops you for speeding that you misinterpreted the speed limit sign but you are still getting a ticket.

People across the country are involved in the social gospel.

They are working hard to provide for those who have been affected by homelessness or hunger but if they are not saved, all the good works in a lifetime won’t get them into heaven. The person who is saved and does this work for Jesus and not a worldly agenda will spend eternity in heaven. And, not for the work they did but because they knew Jesus as their savior.

 These topics and others which I have written about in this book are all issues and agendas and lifestyles which will keep people out of heaven and eternal life with Jesus. This is why we must tell them about Jesus and the salvation He provided for us on the cross. Many of them believe they have it; they believe they don’t need to be a radical Christian like us because the church they attend tells them they don’t. They truly believe they are good to go and God will accept them for who they are but without Jesus, they are lost and will be cast out. Those words from Jesus which will be so terrifying to hear, “Away from me I never knew you.” (MT 7:23 paraphrase) How many people in these movements or beliefs will hear those terrifying words? If they don’t know Jesus as their savior, all of them. Or, better to say it this way; all who don’t know Jesus will be cast out.

You can’t kill babies and think it’s alright because then you die and hear those words from the Lord. They have to know this before they pass into eternity without Jesus. Any person in any lifestyle who rejects Jesus, will face an eternity of suffering and torment. They need to understand how important it is to know Him and accept Him as savior.

 One of our purposes and responsibilities as a Christian is to tell others about Jesus, who He is and what He has done for us. We are not supposed to be saved, put it in cruise control and coast through life. There are too many Christians who walk through their Christian life with blinders on. They don’t tell anyone about Jesus and they don’t really want anyone to know they are a Christian. They have their fire insurance and that’s all they want. They attend church on Sunday and then navigate through the week like a nonbeliever. They are in disguise and the world knows no better.

As a Christian, they are hiding in plain sight. I have met some of these types of Christians. I might have been around them every day or worked in the same area.

I never knew the person was saved until it came up in a conversation I might have had with them. Then, they admitted they were saved and where they went to church. For some of them, I would have never guessed. It wasn’t because of their language or the way they acted, they just never presented themselves as a Christian. They never talked about it, they never joined in on a conversation about the Lord or attended a Bible study at the job site. A Christian at the job site is not required to do any of these things or carry a sign proclaiming to the world they are saved. That’s not what I’m trying to say. But most active Christians will have something to say about their faith when the topic comes up.

The point I’m trying to make is that far too many Christians don’t want the world to know they are saved. There are many reasons why they act like this. They are afraid of the harassment which could come with that or they have not put their full trust in the Lord to give them the boldness to tell the world they follow Jesus and let them know why. There can be many reasons but a common one is fear of what the world will think about them. Maybe they have not had the right type of mentoring or discipleship. Maybe they attend a local church which does not always preach from the Bible but preaches sermons based on worldly topics. It can be any number of things. I always just attempted to engage them in a conversation about the Lord, what He is doing in their life, where the person might attend church or any number of other topics which might encourage the individual to talk about God. It was/is important for them to know they can talk about the Lord, church or any other Christian topic to me.

 Considering all of this and everything I have mentioned in this book, the following scripture sums it up.


“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

MT 7:13-14


We must always keep this in mind for those who proclaim to be Christians but there is no fruit as evidence. There are those who believe all roads lead to heaven, all religions will get them there or those who refuse to believe Jesus is real. And, God is of no eternal importance. The wide gate and the road which leads to it is crowded today. We must tell them the truth about Jesus and how to get through the narrow gate. You never know when the Lord is going to present an opportunity for you to let someone know.

You can help them navigate from the wide road to eternal destruction to the narrow road which leads to life. Be prepared and alert and listen for God to place that call upon your heart. And, just think what that means to be able to help someone to make that change in their life and the road upon which they are traveling. You simply have to deliver the message and God will do the work of changing their life.  Afterall, someone did that for you, right? 

Bill Petite

Narrow is the Gate by Bill Petite is available at

[1] A Rose in The Desert, Bill Petite, Amazon


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