Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Christian Controversy

While watching video of the mob, which stormed the nation's capitol on January 6th, I noticed a man with a Jesus flag. At first, I was a little surprised but then I wasn't. Donald Trump has had quite a Christian following during his presidency. He has had a gathering of religious leaders around him at various times and some others have been very outspoken concerning him, and the circumstances he has found himself in. But this has created a Christian controversy within the Church.

 I'll be the first to admit Trump has done some great things for this country during his time in office and he also has been attacked and investigated more than any other president. But none of that makes him a saint or a martyr. He has his issues and many times has acted like a ten year old spoiled brat. Did he incite the mob? Did he cause the attack on the nation's capitol? Well, if you listen to the national news media, he did and he is the brother of Satan.

The Church has been divided over this man during his entire time in office. And, following the mob attack on the capitol and the recent impeachment (a second time), there is a stronger division in the Church. For example, here's a quote from Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention, 

“The sight of ‘Jesus Saves’ and ‘God Bless America’ signs by those violently storming the Capitol,” he said, presented to the world “a picture of Jesus Christ and of his gospel that is satanic.”

That's one opinion, a very strong one. Another, an opposite view, was by Franklin Graham who said in a Facebook post that those Republicans who voted for Trump's impeachment, the most recent impeachment, were like Judas taking the 30 pieces of silver. He also mused about what Nancy Pelosi might have promised them in return. Now, that's not an exact quote but it is basically what he posted. I would suggest the Speaker promised them nothing and they voted yes to protect their seat the next time around.

Allow me to add another which I have to strongly agree with.

People are dying without Jesus, and the church is debating other issues. It’s time for us to wake up and remember that the gospel is more important than anything. The gospel is more important than our preferences. It’s more important than our politics. It’s more important than anything else. The gospel is our message to our culture.  -Greg Laurie

And, those opinions sum up the controversy that lies within the Church concerning this one man, Donald Trump. I remember back in the 1980s when I was still young in my Christian maturity; I would engage in conversation with other Christians, who were at the same level of Christian maturity as me, and we would always wonder how would people so easily be deceived into following the antichrist? Considering what we have seen in most recent times, it's easy to answer that question now. Regardless of whether you like Trump or not or if you're a devout Republican or Democrat, it's easy to see the sharp divide and the strong dedication.

I have always believed that one of the biggest problems in the Church is Christians don't read their Bible. A Christian cannot know what God would have us do or not do if we don't know what His word tells us. This is a major problem among Christians. So, when you see a person in the mob at the Capitol with a Jesus flag or one that says Jesus Saves, what do you say to them? Do you say anything to them? This, of course, is hypothetical. So, if you could approach this person, what would you say or ask? I believe starting a conversation with the person is important. We don't know the person so we gently begin the conversation with a question. Maybe we ask if they believe Jesus would actually be involved in an assault on our nation's Capitol and if the answer is yes, then why. 

Of course, the account of Jesus in the Temple will be mentioned, maybe as a response to the question. But this is a great opportunity to explain why Jesus did what He did in the Temple and the difference between that and this act of civil disobedience. Maybe the question of where and when did Jesus attack the Roman government could be asked. When did Jesus storm the steps of Pilot's headquarters and attempt to overthrow the Roman government? There is a big difference; Jesus didn't come the first time to overthrow governments, He came to save us from our sin. The Apostle Paul stood before Caesar and told him about Jesus but he never attempted to start a revolt or a revolution. Even if the person doesn't want to discuss anything with you, at least you made the attempt. I was told by another Christian not to even waste my time attempting to talk to someone like this. Like what? We have the great commission to make disciples of of all the nations of the world (MT 28:18-20) and that includes a possibly deceived person in the midst of a mob with a Jesus flag.

So, on which side to you find yourself? Or are you not on a side of this worldly debate and divide? I like what happened to Joshua before he led Israel against Jericho.

When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and demanded, “Are you friend or foe?”
“Neither one,” he replied. “I am the commander of the Lord’s army.” Joshua 5:13-14

Should Christians have a worldview?  Yes, they should. Should they place their allegiance to this worldview above their following of Jesus? No. Going back to the Bible, I believe as we read and study God's word, we learn and understand where everything, including our views, opinions and Jesus rank in our lives. Jesus is always first, always. And, when we get that mixed up and out of order, we run the risk of big trouble. 

This worldly divide and worldly situation of who is right and who is wrong or following a person to the bitter end is a big controversy in the Church today. There is a simple solution; Jesus is our Lord and savior. He died for our sin on a rugged cross which was a brutal death. But the grave couldn't hold Him and He rose and lives today and has made eternal life available to us. For the person who has Jesus as their savior and stops to seriously consider what He has done for us, how can any man or person ever come before Him in our lives?

It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in princes.   PS 118:9  


-Bill Petite


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