Monday, September 21, 2020

What If Jesus Had to be Elected

Let’s face it, Jesus is not a very popular guy in this country. So, what if He had to be elected to public office? I can hear Christians now freaking out over this question. And the comments; how blasphemous and ridicules! Okay, relax. I’m just trying to make a point considering the culture in this society and where Jesus actually stands in comparison to politicians and celebrities. So, think about it. If Jesus was physically in this world and had to be elected to public office, He probably wouldn’t stand a chance. In fact, it would probably be a landslide loss for Him.

 Consider some of the things He might say. For example,

But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell. MT 5:22 

That statement right there would lose the election for Him since one of the favorite and most used terms in this country when describing someone else is the word idiot. I can hear the comments now, “So, if I call someone an idiot, I’m going to hell?” Or, “I’m going to end up in court for calling someone an idiot? That won’t fly in this world. It won’t even fly in this election and campaign process. 

Or, how about this comment,

 Some Pharisees came and tried to trap him with this question: “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife for just any reason?” “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’” And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Mt 19:3-6 

Well, if the first comment wouldn’t sink His chances, this one surely would. In a world where adultery and Gay marriage is as common as gossip on social media, He would be ostracized for saying something like this. Divorce is as common in marriage as wedding cake and it happens far too often. The average length of a marriage in this country is 8 years. Allow me to repeat that, 8 years is the average length of a marriage in this country. Marriage is meaningless to so many couples. This also includes gay marriages. People don’t want to work through anything anymore. Maybe it was because they never took the time to know for sure before they were married. I don’t know but a marriage that only lasts for 8 years is a marriage that hasn’t even got off of the ground floor. And then, there’s the issue of one man and one woman. Jesus points out that God made them male and female and the man leaves his parents to marry a female. He says nothing about a man marrying another male. Actually, no place in the Bible does it talk about this as an approved, by God, relationship. 

So, can you picture this; Jesus is on a platform at some airport in a major US city and he makes these comments. First, if there is anyone there to hear Him, it would be a very small crowd. Considering the political climate in this country today, nobody wants to hear a politician talk about not calling someone an idiot or it’s not right for a man to marry a man and the same for women. It would be a quick stop for Jesus at this rally. 

We also need to consider the polls. How would Jesus rate in a poll against a favorite politician? Or, for that matter, how would He rate against any celebrity? Now, I’m not going to exaggerate too much here but I think there are popular politicians who would rate extremely higher than Jesus in a popularity poll. Not running for any office but just as He truly is, God. I think we can see that today in this political climate. If you did a man on the street poll, a large number of the people would choose the celebrity or politician over Jesus.

 Jesus made reference to this Himself. The world can’t hate you, but it does hate me because I accuse it of doing evil. JN 7:7 

But if anyone sided with this candidate, they would also experience the hatred the world has for Him. He also talked about this. “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. JN 15:18 

The Church today, in this country, is even resistant to speak about Jesus. It’s His Church; He should be recognized as the Son of God, our Lord and Savior. But so many churches today never even mention His name on a Sunday morning. So, how would He ever get elected to a public office. Most people in this country don’t want to hear His name mentioned. And, when a politician is speaking in a church on a Sunday, where does Jesus rate. His own name isn’t mentioned and some politician is speaking in His Church. That’s taking away the home field advantage in a big way. (Of course, it might not be His church in this case) 

Can you imagine the verbal abuse He would receive from His opponent? I can hear it all now: “He claims He can walk on water. Who does this guy think He is, God?” “He says He is not married but He is having an affair with that woman, Mary Magdalene.” “He is no friend to the LGBT movement. He says only men can marry women and vice versa. He is a homophobe!” And finally, “He claims He has died and risen from the dead! And, if you believe Him and follow Him, you will never experience death because He has defeated it!” All this said to the sound of laughter following.

 But of course, this is an unusual way of pointing out just how unpopular Jesus is in this country. He doesn’t have to run for any type of office since He is already a King and He will, one day, rule from His throne over this world. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. And one last note; consider the fact that if Jesus was a candidate for public office, every word of mocking would be followed by Jesus asking His Father in heaven to forgive them since they don’t have a clue concerning what they are saying.

 Thank God we have a savior in heaven who has died for our sin and we don’t have to depend on any politician to save us from anything. I can’t imagine this place if that was the case. Right now, the rhetoric is so thick, I’m not sure it can be cut. To put all of one’s hope in a human person to fix this mess is just to frightening to consider. It’s never a good idea to depend on another person to save you from a mess that only God can correct. Only Jesus Christ will change this world and at that time, it will be for all eternity. 

If you’re not with Him now, I suggest you get on board. It’s simple; just ask Him to forgive you of you sin and trust and believe in Him. Confess with your mouth that He is Lord and believe it in your heart. Jesus is waiting with arms wide open.

 P.S. He doesn’t need your vote, He’s already in control.

Bill Petite


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