Friday, February 10, 2023

The Church Has Changed

The Church of the 21st century has changed drastically in the last twenty years or so. The Church has changed in ways that should make a Christian’s head spin. But one of the problems is it isn’t making Christian heads to spin. I really wish I could write encouraging posts but there seems to be something heretical popping up all the time. The Church has been invaded by so many anti-God ideas, programs and teachings. The doors to the Church have been thrown wide open and the world’s influence has been invited in. The following statistics prove and show how far the Church has fallen away from the absolute truth of God’s word and the truth of God Himself. I read this in a weekly newsletter I receive from Midwest Christian Outreach.[1] 

When the 2022 State of Theology Report came out last year, the results were far less than encouraging. For example:

– 43% of US Evangelicals agreed with Statement No. 4: “God learns and adapts to different circumstances.” In other words, for nearly half of US Evangelicals, God it not omniscient or all-knowing.

– 53%, over half of US Evangelicals, agree with Statement No. 16: “The Bible, like all sacred writings, contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true.”

– 42% of US Evangelicals agree with Statement No. 27: “Gender identity is a matter of choice.”

– 46% of US Evangelicals agree with Statement No. 28: “The Bible’s condemnation of homosexual behavior doesn’t apply today.”

– 56% of US Evangelicals agree with Statement No. 3: “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.” (the heretical view called perennialism)

– 43% of US Evangelicals agree with Statement  No. 7: “Jesus was a great teacher, but he was not God.”


So, let’s take a look at these. We see that 43% of Evangelicals believe that God has to adapt to us and our society and culture. He is not all knowing? This percentage of people have simply illuminated God from being God. The God of the Bible is 100% God. We don’t serve a crippled God.

 Also, 53% believe that parts of the Bible are not true and believe some of it is ancient myths. Why would God give us His word which is not 100% truthful? How is it that these 53% can believe that? John 1:1-2 tells us that Jesus is the word. If you read that chapter, you will understand that is true. So how can Jesus not be 100% true? A percentage of the Church has a very skewed view of Jesus and who He is and what He has done for us. That’s 53%, over half of those polled, who believe the Bible is not 100% truthful.


42% believe gender identity is a personal choice and that is tainted with a lack of Biblical knowledge. (That’s probably the problem with all of these) Genesis 1:27 tells us God created them male and female.

His creation did not include a choice clause. God decides the biological gender of each person and there are no choices involved post inception. Again, a lack of Biblical knowledge.


How can 46% of Evangelicals believe that what the Bible says against homosexuality doesn’t apply to us today. The Bible is clear in its statements that homosexual practices are a sin. Is the Bible 100% true or not? Where is it found that what the Bible says in its original writings are not true today? Here we have the culture and all those who have been influenced by it, attempting to dictate to God and tell Him He doesn’t have the authority to tell them what is right or wrong or what is a sin and what is not. People can’t change what God has written in His word and they don’t have the authority to change what He has said. The Bible isn’t old fashioned as they say. It is as relevant for today as it was in the time it was written.


56% believe that God accepts the worship of all religions.  For those who actually believe that they are not worshipping the one true God themselves. God doesn’t accept Buddhists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witness, the mind science movements or any other religion which doesn’t acknowledge and worship the one true God of the Bible. Christians are told in 2 Corinthians 6:14 not to be yoked to anyone who is not a true believer of Jesus. So many Christians who are not in step with Jesus fall into this trap. Speaking of associating with anyone mixed up in a cult and allowing themselves to be indoctrinated by the false doctrines of that movement, is wrong in God’s eyes. Actually, this verse applies to any worldly association but in this case, to believe all religions believe and worship the same God and God accepts them is definitely wrong. God only accepts worship from those who have been saved by belief in Jesus, having been saved by their faith in Jesus and by the grace of God. All others are on the outside looking in.


The final stat is that 43% of Evangelicals believe Jesus was a great teacher but not God. Again, here we have a serious lack of Biblical knowledge and truth of who Jesus is and not was. So, where does their salvation come from? How did they acquire salvation? Surely it couldn’t be at the cross, if they even believe that is true? If Jesus is not God, what is their faith based on? There is so much evidence in the Bible and the gospel accounts that tells us Jesus is God. But there you have it. How often do they read their Bible and how much of it do they believe?


You might ask, “How did this happen?” Well, as I mentioned earlier, the Church has allowed the influence of this culture to come into the Church by a variety of ways. Books which have been written by self-proclaimed Christian writers have had a major influence on some Christians. The book appears to be a valid writing on a Christian topic, but it is stuffed full of lies and does not align with the Bible. But if a Christian is not reading the Bible, how will he/she know what is truth and what is not?  There have been a number of ministries based on diets, exercise and other self-help topics which can have an eastern philosophical influence. Some Christians are simply not well enough informed concerning truth, and it is very easy for them to get caught up in the lies of these ministries.

And, of course, if the church they attend does not preach or teach the truth of the Bible but instead social issues and politics or just feel-good sermons, those in attendance will never hear the truth. Also, we don’t know who these people are or who was included in this survey. Many people in this country identify as a Christian but are not really saved. They might base their belief in something like a family tradition or a part of the country where they live. “Everyone in this area is a Christian.” But I truly believe that the Church has simply bought into so much of the secular culture and bases its beliefs on our current day society. This didn’t happen overnight. This has been happening for years right under our noses and right in front of us. But too many were and are too involved with their personal lives and activities and don’t bother to observe the doctrines and messages which have invaded the Church.


Law authorities have been telling people in this country for years that if they see something that looks suspicious, report it. Well, that’s a good rule for the Church also. If you hear something that doesn’t sound right according to the Bible, check it out. Don’t just let it go. Check it out or talk to a trusted Christian leader. But the best weapon against all of this is reading and studying the Bible and being in prayer. It really is not a surprise to see stats like we see in this post. The Church has been traveling down this path for many years and some Christians simply cannot tell the truth from a lie. When we stand before the throne of Christ, we are all going to smell like smoke, but you don’t want singe marks on your clothing. 


Remember this one thing. Many will stand before Christ and proclaim all the work they did for Him, but they will not like what they when Jesus says, “Away from me, I never knew you.” (my paraphrase) Mt 7:21-23 Many of those are people who are like those recorded in these stats. They went to church every week and maybe multiple times a week. But they were never saved and never heard how to be saved and wouldn’t listen when approached by a true Christian. Some of them simply believed they were being judged and said so. The Church has bought into so many lies and fads over the years and many people were deceived into believing the lies and have missed out on true salvation. They actually believe they are Christians because of the nonsense they are listening too tells them so. If you know someone like this, pray for them and ask God to open a door so you can speak with them and help them understand that they are not hearing the truth.


-Bill Petite    




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