Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Why Jesus Came

A friend of mine and I sat one afternoon, and he began to ask me questions about Christianity. As I answered his questions, I never realized that this man was seeking after something which could change his life. The Holy Spirit had taken control of this conversation which was a good thing since I know I would have certainly messed it up. But he continued firing questions at me and the Holy Spirit kept feeding me the answers. Before I knew it, two hours had passed, and we then moved on in our own directions.

When I saw him the next day, he told me he had received Christ into his heart and was saved. He also told me that his wife had come home that evening and told him that she also had received Christ as her savior. They were both saved on the same day while listening to different people but the same Holy Spirit. But it was Jesus who had been at the center of both conversations. This would seem to explain why Jesus came to earth in the form of human flesh. He is the Son of God, the second person in the God head and was in heaven with the Father. He didn’t have to leave His throne in heaven, but He did that because of the love He has for the people of this world. God created people on the sixth day of creation. The first man, Adam, was created perfect and without sin. But when he and his wife, Eve, disobeyed God’s command, they allowed sin to enter into this world and every person ever born from that time was born with a sin nature within in them.

This sin nature is what drives people to commit the worst and the least detestable crimes. It is why drug and alcohol addiction ruins people’s lives. It’s why adults physically, mentally and sexually abuse children. It is why people do the most detestable things. People murder other people, people assault each other, they steal from others, people con other people out of their money and some kill or hurt others and are never bothered by it and then do it again. The absolute root cause of all these and other sinful practices is sin. Sin causes people to do anything which is opposed to God and His desire for human life.

But Jesus came to correct that problem. He never sinned and that’s what God required. He required a sinless man to die for all humanity and be the sacrifice to pay the price for our sin. Think of it this way; the next time you commit a sin, whatever it might be, stop and realize that is why Jesus had to die on that cross. Our every sin and every sin of every person who has ever lived or will live is why Jesus went to the cross and took those sins upon Himself and paid the price we couldn’t pay. So, the next time you hear a Christmas song or story about baby Jesus, understand that Jesus didn’t come to be worshipped as a baby but as Lord and savior of our lives (if you know Him that way). Christmas isn’t about baby Jesus but the coming of our Lord and savior into this world to die for our sin. And in the same theme, Jesus did die on a cross and rose from the dead to provide salvation for us, but He is not on that cross anymore. So, when Easter, or resurrection Sunday, rolls around, remember, He came off of that cross and was raised from the grave and returned to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father.

This is why Jesus came the first time. John 3:17 tells us,

 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

But He will return a second time and at that time He will be coming to bring judgement.

And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.  All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.               JN 3:19-20

 But because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin, you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself. For a day of anger is coming, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.  Rom 2:5

When Jesus returns, He will be coming to bring judgment to those who have rejected Him. Christians will also be judged but not for their sin. They will be judged for what they did for Jesus after they were saved.

For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in this earthly body.   2 Cor 5:10

But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value. If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward. But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer great loss. The builder will be saved, but like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames.          1 Cor 3:13-15

So, to summarize, Jesus came to forgive sin and provide salvation to those who cry out to Him. After a person is saved, there is work to be done. What kind of work you ask? There are pastors, Bible teachers, children’s ministries, youth ministries, teachers for advanced education and Bible training, church building maintenance workers, music ministry, missionaries and many, many more types of Christian work. When a Christian dies and enters heaven, the person is judged for the work he/she has done for Jesus. There will be work which is considered of great value and then there will be work which has not glorified God at all. It doesn’t mean the work was sinful, but it just had no Godly value. Verse 12 in the above 1 Corinthians passage uses descriptions as jewels or hay, stubble and straw. The latter describes those worldly works. I coached youth baseball for years and if I never presented the gospel (which I did) all that work with those youth and the information and coaching I passed on to them is just hay and straw. It wasn’t sinful but at the same time, it never pointed anyone toward God.

Now, for the person who rejects Jesus and never comes to know Him as Lord and savior of their lives will face a far more severe judgment. They will be judged for their sin. Someone at this point might ask, “Why aren’t Christians judged for their sin?” Good question and the simple answer is because Jesus paid the price for their sin and has forgiven them. He has covered them with His righteousness. So, when God the Father looks at a Christian, He doesn't see the sinful person, He sees Jesus. He took their sin upon Himself at the cross. Revelation 20:11 and forward tells of the Great White Throne Judgment. If you’re not saved, I suggest reading this passage and see what you’re in for if you don’t surrender your life to Jesus. It’s not a happy ending. It will be a really bad eternity of torment and suffering. And I guess I need to answer another often-asked question concerning this.

The question is always asked, “If God is such a loving God, why does He send people to hell?” The answer is simple, and most don’t like it. God sends no one to hell. Hell was created for Satan and the fallen angels who have given up their place in heaven and followed Satan when he fell. They rejected God and followed sinful Satan. When a person hears the gospel and rejects it or when people are told about Jesus and refuse to accept Him as their savior and Lord, they are sending themselves to hell. Without asking Jesus to forgive them for their sin, they continue to own their sin and if they die in that sin, they cannot enter into heaven and stand before God. God will not allow sin in His presence so a person who continues in their life of sin and a life without Jesus, will never enter into heaven or God’s presence. Most people who are not saved really don’t like this answer but that is the truth. I have always believed that any person who doesn’t want God in their life here will not want to be in His presence after they die.

So, why did Jesus come? He came to this world the first time to die on a cross for the sins of this world. He took our sin, everyone’s sin, upon Himself on that cross and paid the price required by God the Father. He rose three days later from the grave and defeated death. We have that same opportunity when and if we ask Him to forgive us for our sin and accept Him as Lord and savior of our lives. He will come again, a second time, and bring judgment for those who have rejected Him. Don’t allow yourself to fall into the latter camp. If you haven’t already, ask Jesus to forgive you and then know Him as your Lord and savior. You will never regret it. It doesn’t matter what others think, it only matters what Jesus says.

-Bill Petite



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