Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Times Have Changed

This morning, I read through the transcript of the first debate between Richard Nixon and John Kennedy in 1960. I'm not into the extreme following of the political agendas of candidates but I do enjoy researching history. The comparison from just over 60 years ago and today is crazy. The calmness and polite approach by each candidate and the respect shown for each other is astounding in comparison to today. Nixon and Kennedy agreed on some points and confessed that they did. But they would point out why they disagreed with other points and did it without name calling, mudslinging and raising their voices.

They showed respect for each other. The two candidates today are a 180 degree turn from that. It's plain to see how far this nation has fallen and to what it has become. None of Nixon's or Kennedy's points or policies included killing babies in the womb, rights of same sex couples, immigration or anything which is of importance today. Of course, people will say times have changed and that’s exactly my point. Oh, how they have changed.

Romans 1 paints a distinct picture of this fallen world. This culture has turned its back on God and as explained in Romans 1, He has given them over to their evil desires.
If you have ever read and studied Israel's path in the Old Testament, they were rescued by God and brought out of slavery from Egypt. They were given a land which they did nothing to earn. They were led into that land by God Himself. But it only took one generation to pass before they began to defy Him and live only for their own agendas. The Bible records their downward spiral right up to their exile.
Now, this nation hasn’t experienced the same thing as what Israel did but they did flee from 
England for the purpose of their freedom. And through the decades and centuries, God blessed this country and prospered it. But this nation, like Israel, has turned its back on God. This is not a Christian nation and I won't say it ever was, but in just the last 60+ years, we can see how far it has fallen.

Again, I'm not a rah, rah, political person. I won't wrap my Christian around a political candidate or party. But I will point out how far this nation has moved away from God. And, I will say that politics will never save this nation, nor will any political candidate or politician.
The only hope for any part of this nation and its evil culture is prayer. Only God can save this nation and I don't know that's in His plan. I can't imagine how much farther this country will move away from God and I'm glad to be in the latter stages of my life and possibly won't be around to see how much worse it can get.
You can search all through the Bible but will never find this nation mentioned. This is not God's chosen nation, that is Israel. As a Christian, don't get sucked into believing that lie.
I'm not anti-American; I'm a Christian who is a citizen of this country; I fought under the flag of this country and was proud to do so, even though I was spit at and called names when I returned. But I'm a Christian first and my first allegiance is to God, not a politician or this nation. I’m not in rebellion against this nation. The Bible tells us to obey His appointed leaders (Rom 13) and to pray for those leaders (1Tim 2). But it doesn’t tell us to worship those people or to give them more attention than to God. Israel is still God’s chosen nation; it’s the only nation he recognizes as His own. And it will be the last nation standing when He returns for His Church. Zechariah 14 records and tells us all of this. Now, if you’re not a Christian, I wouldn’t expect you to believe any of this. For you, it’s simply progress. We’ve come out of a dark age of dullness and bigotry and into the 21st century of love for everyone and freedom to do as one pleases. That reminds me of a line from the book of Judges.  In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. Judges 21:25

We don’t have a king because we don’t have that type of government but the leadership in this country has been lacking for years. There is no obedience to God and the people have done whatever they wanted and seemed right to them. Remember, the answer is prayer, not people.

-Bill Petite

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Domestic Missions


In my early years as a Christian, when the topic of missions came up, it was always international missions. It was about the need for the nations in Africa, South America, Asia and others. I would have opted for a nice South Pacific Island where the temps are in the 70s and 80s year-round. But that’s the selfish me trying to find a cushy comfortable spot. But the Lord never called me to international missions, nor did I ever have a true desire to be involved in that type of ministry. My calling was always for domestic ministry or ministry here at home. I knew the Lord had called me to church ministry here in my homeland and so I followed His lead and gave my time and effort to those needs. He moved me around this country from west to east and back and finally to retirement in East Texas.

But in between, I had the opportunity to see those who were in need of not just the Lord but in some cases, the basics to survive. On a trip to Eastern KY, I witnessed some extremely needy people. Some who knew Jesus and some who didn’t. The ones who knew Jesus were thankful for what they had and never complained and the ones who didn’t know Jesus gave us the opportunity to tell them and encourage them. A lot of these people in areas such as this have been forgotten. Big corporations come in and employ people for a few years and after the big corporation has made their money, they pull out leaving those people high and dry and in need. The needs I saw just for descent living conditions were awful and heartbreaking.

But the Lord had and has sent His people there on a permanent basis to help physically and spiritually as they can. Volunteers from churches in that part of the country come to help with repairs and ministry. They purchase the needed materials and make the repairs. Most stay for a week and accomplish a great deal of work both physically and spiritually in that time. I witnessed homes without water hook ups, electric or gas was not available, homes in need of much repair. I was only there for two days; my mission was to set things up for the team which would follow for a week-long stay. They would accomplish needed home repairs and ministry needs and the people there were more than receptive. They were happy to know someone cared about them and their needs.

But when you go into many churches, you will rarely hear about the needs of the people in that part of the country. You will always hear about the needs in African nations, Arab nations, the Dominican Republic and Haiti and other places around the world. I’m not saying those places don’t need to hear the gospel because they do. But there are places and areas in this country, the U.S., that also need to hear it. It’s just my opinion, but I think too many Christians and churches in this country believe that this is an established Christian nation and there is no need for domestic mission ministry. But here’s a cold hard item; other countries are sending missionaries to this country. Many refuse to belief that but they are here. Many Christians, not missionaries, have come here to be free of the oppression in their home countries. But when they attend churches here, they discover they are no where close to what they had at home. Then they return to their oppressed home just so they can worship in a church which is committed and serious about Jesus.

And then there are the local churches who do send people on domestic missions. They go to the reservations of Native Americans and repair buildings and dig ditches and never mention Jesus. That’s not a Christian missions, that free labor. These are vacations for youth groups with adult supervision. In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells us to take His message to all the nations, but it starts first at home.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

It starts at home. That can mean in your own home, and it should, and also in the home area where you live. He told them to tell the people in Jerusalem, their home area, then Judea or maybe the state where you live. Then to Samaria, or the region or country and then to the world or foreign missions. But too many churches and Christians think they need to be sending missionaries to a foreign nation. Maybe it seems fashionable or just the thing to do because the church down the street does it and they can’t allow that church to make them look bad or lazy. I don’t know what the real reasons are and maybe I shouldn’t speculate. I do know that there is serious Christian work being done by American missionaries around the world. That’s not the issue. When a person gets saved and knows that he/she has been called to that ministry, then they should answer that call. But when churches drum up business, so to speak, by convincing in house Christians to make a mission trip because it is the thing to do, that’s wrong.

I have friends who served for fifteen years in foreign missions. The organization they were with provided needed medical services and the gospel. It’s how Jesus served people. Provide for their need and tell them about Jesus. There will always be a need for foreign missions and missionaries but not at the expense of the homeland needs. Evangelism is a dying ministry. I’m not referring to the guy who travels around from church to church preaching the gospel. I’m referring to the individual Christian telling his friends, family and co-workers about Jesus. I’m referring to outreach ministries in churches. They have service maybe one to three times a week but never take the gospel outside of the church to the community. These are domestic missions also.

The Church in this nation has become a mixture of entertainment, feel good lectures, health and wealth centers and non-Biblical sermonettes. Some are nothing more than a gathering to hear about the secular social problems in this country and how to fix them. The gospel is never heard and that’s the only real fix for those issues. Evangelism is taking its dying breathes and is in need of real gospel life support. And yes, there is a huge need for more domestic mission work and evangelism in the country. Stop the political talk and the bickering back and forth about it. Stop placing faith in the politician instead of Jesus. There is a serious need for a purging in the Church and it needs to start yesterday.

There are so many places in this nation which need to hear the gospel from the inner cities to the hollers in the Appalachians. Don’t forget about your own backyard while planning a mission to an international site. Listen to the calling the Lord has given you and don’t try to convince yourself it’s foreign missions when He wants you to stay home and do that work. There is a dire need for domestic missionaries.

-Bill Petite

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Fear of the Dark?

 In this world we live in, there is a dark side and there is a side of light. Most Christians understand this and know what to expect from the dark side of this world. It consists of hate, antisemitism, evil activity, false faith movements such as cults, demented thinking, abortion and so many other evils. A Christian doesn’t have to look very far to see or even experience the dark side of this world. As a matter of fact, before we were saved, we were all living on the dark side in our sin. At that time, we didn’t even realize there was a dark side or that we were living in the dark.

But as John 1:4-5 tells us, Jesus brought light into the world and a light which the dark cannot overcome.

The Word gave life to everything that was created
    and his life brought light to everyone.

 The light shines in the darkness,
    and the darkness can never extinguish it.

Jesus is that light and He came to allow that light to shine into our lives. He came to bring salvation to us and has given us a way to escape the dark. For those of us who are saved, we look back, or should look back on occasion, and see the dark we lived in and thank Jesus for saving us out of that darkness. The light in the life of a Christian can never be put out. I know there is a teaching which says it can but when a Christian is truly saved, that salvation is eternal. Don’t be fooled into believing that lie. Jesus tells us in John 6:37-40,

 However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them. For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will. And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them up at the last day. For it is my Father’s will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day.”

These are the words of Jesus and Jesus doesn’t lie. He is not in the business of repossessing salvation and a sinner who is truly saved cannot give it back nor would he/she ever want to. Jesus doesn’t bring anyone into the light and then change His mind and then send them back into the dark.

Sometimes the dark comes knocking at your door; I literally mean physically knocking at your door. This happens in the form of Jehovah’s Witness, Mormons or maybe some other cult. They live in a works-based salvation darkness. Simply put, the more doors they knock on and spread their lies, the more points they score on their way to heaven (their idea of heaven which is another lie). Now, that’s not exactly how it works but that’s in the ballpark of the works-based salvation system for them. So, how do you react when you are face to face with one of these cult members? It will almost always be at a time when you least expect it or are prepared for it. So, are you afraid to talk with them? Are you afraid you don’t know enough about them to talk to them? Maybe you’re afraid you don’t know the Bible well enough to counter their lies. Do you clam up and say nothing or maybe you sic the dog on them. This is the dark and are you afraid of the dark?

Maybe you’re at work and your co-workers are not saved and they are always talking trash or telling dirty stories and jokes or maybe they simply enjoy picking on the Christian. How do you respond? You have to realize you are right in the middle of the dark but how do you respond to the dark? Do you panic? Do you allow them to continue to mock you and Jesus? Are you afraid of the dark? You are right among the enemy and they are on the attack. They are shooting round after round at you or around you. How prepared are you to seek the help of the Holy Spirit in this battle? Or, are you not prepared at all? Of course, the first thing you do is pray and ask for help. If you are aware enough to simply do that, you already have an advantage. John 4:4 tells us this:

But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. 

It's like a person who is a bully. He/she thrives on controlling other’s emotions and fear. But when he is smacked in the mouth (metaphorically of course), he’s not in control any longer and the bully backs off and knows he/she has lost that control. It’s the same for the Christian who has a fear of the darkness of this world and those who are enslaved by the dark. If the Christian doesn’t pray and seek the Lord’s help, he or she will continue to be under the control of the dark until they ask for that help. Remember, the darkness cannot extinguish the light. Jesus is the light and He cannot be overcome by the darkness of this world. For the Christian, it should be automatic to seek the Lord immediately and get His help. I’m not talking about the big brother beating up the bully. I’m talking about the big brother teaching you how to fight those battles.

When I was in Vietnam, I saw some guys do some things without thinking when it came to responding to an attack or ambush. I witnessed a fellow Marine give his own life to take out a machine gun to save the rest of us. He didn’t stop to think for a second; he simply went on the offensive. I often wondered how he could have done that. Then I had one of those experiences one night. We were expecting to be hit, or attacked, and we were on 50% watch, two men on watch at all times, and sure enough, we got hit. There were three other Marines about fifteen yards behind us sleeping in a small makeshift tent of sorts and when those bullets started flying, I was out of the hole and running back to get these guys up and to the fighting position. I never stopped to realize what I was doing, I just did it.

It was later when everything was calmed down that I had time to think how I had put myself in danger to save those guys. I’m not telling this story for likes or pats on the back. It’s a good personal example of how we should react when the darkness of this world goes on the attack. We, as Christians, shouldn’t slip down into the foxhole and hope the enemy just goes away. We have God’s word as a weapon and the Holy Spirit leading us. What more do we need? Is the darkness of this world greater than the Holy Spirit? No, it is not.

 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.   John 14:1

I have only given a few verses in this writing from the Bible which should encourage those who might fear the dark. There are many more encouraging verses and passages that are also encouraging and should build your faith in God’s almighty power over the darkness of this world. And one day that darkness will be defeated for good. Jesus has already won the war at the cross. Satan’s biggest tool when it comes to fear is death. But Jesus defeated that when He rose from the tomb. Christians should never fear death. When a Christian dies physically and is removed from this life, he/she is immediately ushered into the presence of God. So, what is there to fear concerning death? The answer is nothing. We have everything to hope for at physical death and nothing to fear. Those who are still living in darkness have everything to fear concerning physical death. They are then facing eternal death and condemnation while severely suffering in hell. And yes, hell does exist. Jesus has much to say about hell in His word, the Bible.

So, as a Christian, are you afraid of the dark? You have no need to be since the Holy Spirit lives inside of you and He is more powerful than anything the dark can manifest or bring into your life. I realize that newer Christians might not have matured to this point yet but keep reading the word and keep praying. God will continue to grow you closer to Him and teach you how to lean on Him in the battles with the dark.

Will those who do evil never learn?
    They eat up my people like bread
    and wouldn’t think of praying to the Lord.
Terror will grip them,
    for God is with those who obey him.

 The wicked frustrate the plans of the oppressed,
    but the Lord will protect his people.

Psalm 14:4-6


Bill Petite



Saturday, December 23, 2023

Bible study and Politics??

Jon had accepted a job offer in another state which presented him with the opportunity for advancement and a better income. He was torn between staying where he was and taking advantage of the terrific offer before him. He was an elder in his home church and had been deeply involved in the church’s Bible teaching ministries and other activities. He was content with his job and then the offer came from a man he had went to college with. He told Jon he was familiar with his work and really wanted him to come and work with him. Jon prayed hard about this move and spent time praying with his wife and discussing it with her. Jon had two children in middle school, and this would be a big move for them. Finally, Jon believed it was the Lord’s will for him to take advantage of this opportunity and make the move. He trusted this was the right move for his family’s future. He knew it would be a big adjustment for them but in the long run, it would be a big advantage.

He had video calls with his old friend and as they talked, Jon discovered that his old friend and new boss, Jim, was a Christian. This seemed to confirm that the Lord was definitely in this move. And so, off they went. It was a bit of an inconvenient move as most are, but they managed. Jim had set Jon up with a real estate agent and Jon and his wife had found and purchased a home prior to the move. This actually made the move that much easier. It took a couple of weeks of settling in and getting the children enrolled in school. Jon’s wife asked him, “What about a church? We have been here over two weeks and haven’t thought of or even discussed church.” Jon told her, “You know you are right. Jim mentioned something about the church he attends but at the time I didn’t give it much thought. We were still trying to get settled and I simply forgot. But now we should be looking and finding a church we can attend. A good Bible teaching church.”

Monday morning Jon talked to Jim about the church he attended, and Jim told him it was a good church with a good pastor. It was a little bigger than the church Jon and his family had attended back home. He trusted Jim’s information, so he took his family there the following Sunday. It was a nondenominational church and that is the kind of church they had attended back home. The pastor was a good Bible teacher, and the music was the contemporary style and the service in all was similar to their home church. They seemed to be very satisfied with it and decided they would make this their new home church.

On Monday morning, Jim asked Jon what he thought of the church and Jim told him his family really enjoyed it and they would be back. Then, Jim invited Jon to the Men’s Bible study on Saturday mornings. It would start at 8 AM and the assistant pastor was the teacher. So, the following Saturday morning, Jon showed up for the Bible study where there were about thirty guys standing around some tables and talking about various topics, but none seemed to be about the Bible, the Lord or anything church related. The topic he heard the most was politics. It was a big election year and that seemed to be of most interest to these guys.

 Finally, the assistant pastor got them all seated around the tables. He opened in prayer and within his pray, he seemed to spend a great deal of time asking God for special favor for specific political candidates and ballot measures. Jon was becoming uncomfortable with this but decided he would not judge the man on his prayer since it was the first time he had heard anything from him.

But he still was uneasy with the political rant within the prayer. They were in the book of Romans in chapter 13. The pastor read through the first five verses and then stopped and began to explain what Paul was actually saying. ‘What Paul was actually saying’ stood out to Jon like no turkey at a Thanksgiving Day meal. He thought, “What does he mean what Paul is actually saying?” That was the first red flag. But when this pastor said they needed to vote for a certain candidate to ensure that God’s will would place the right man, their candidate, into office, Jon knew he was at the wrong Bible study. This man actually believed that voting for their chosen candidate was God’s way of using them to make sure His person of authority was in office. Or, in other words, they had to vote for their chosen candidate so God would have the right person in office. So, it was up to them to make sure God got it right.

Jon couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A discussion on this began and it was close to being a heated discussion at times. This pastor had totally twisted God’s word into saying He needed people to accomplish His will. Jon wanted to get up and leave but thought better of it and decided to stay and hear how much crazier this Bible study turned political convention would get. So, Jon sat quietly and listened and at one point almost laughed out loud at the ridiculous rhetoric being spread. Jim looked over at him and seemed embarrassed by all of this.

Then, the pastor looked at Jon and asked, “Jon, right, your name is Jon? You haven’t said anything. Do you have any input?” Jon was quiet for a few seconds while he asked God for guidance in what he was about to say and then spoke. “First, I have never been to this Bible study before. I am new in this community and my family and I were looking for a church to attend and I thought we had found one here. I also thought I was coming to a Bible study this morning, but it appears I was wrong. In the church I attended back home, I was an elder and we had a standing policy there. There would be no political discussion taking place in a church service or Bible study. That time was for God’s people to hear from Him and His word, not the world and its issues. We weren’t against one-on-one political discussions but not like this. Not what I’m hearing this morning. These are my convictions and I’m not here to attempt to criticize or judge anyone. I was invited to attend so I came. But now, I’m going to politely get up and leave.” “Just wait a minute!” This came from a man across the tables from Jon. Jon was getting up but stopped and asked, “Yes? What do you want?”

The man was older, maybe in his 60s and he said, “Who do you think you are coming in here and saying that? We are Christians just like you. Why do you think you’re better or smarter than us?” Jon sighed and replied, “I don’t consider myself a better or smarter person than anyone in this room. I simply don’t believe in discussing politics on God’s time. I feel the same way about sports or any other worldly topic being discussed on God’s time when we should be hearing His word being discussed. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go.”  

This is a fictional account of what happens in churches all across this nation. And it doesn’t just happen in a Bible study, it happens on Sunday mornings in the pulpit. Political candidates are invited to come in and speak on Sunday mornings from the pulpit and these people are not talking about Jesus. They are talking politics from the pulpit. Do any of the leaders and pastors in these churches ever stop and consider what God thinks about this? If those in attendance are Christians, why do they want to come to church on Sunday morning and listen to this rhetoric?

Well, Paul tells Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, 

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.

While Paul is telling Timothy that these people will be chasing after false teachings, religions and myths, this is what politics and issues have become in our time and culture. Climate change has become a religion as well as a political issue. The same is true with abortion and other political issues. So, why would people want to go to church on Sunday and listen to someone talk about climate change? Because it is what their itching ears want to hear.

Our God doesn’t want us putting anything in His place. He doesn’t want us giving our allegiance to anyone else but Him. He doesn’t want us having any idols in our lives is want I’m saying. He is a jealous God.

You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods     Ex, 20:4-5a

Some might say they are not worshipping false or other Gods when they discuss politics and that can be true for many Christians. But when they place a politician or candidate on a pedestal and march around and protest and scream and shout at others in support of the person, it has become an idol. I only have one question for them, “Would you do this for Jesus in a public gathering?” Jesus never protested against any government. He never protested against the Roman rulers. The closest He came to any political discussion was in MT 22:15-22 when He answered a question concerning if it was right to pay taxes to Ceasar or not. His answer was simple.

 ….he asked, “Whose picture and title are stamped on it?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. “Well, then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

He didn’t begin a debate over why they should or shouldn’t pay taxes to the Romans. Jesus didn’t come to debate or discuss the politics of that time or the abuse of the Roman rule. He came to tell as many as he could about the kingdom of heaven and why He was there. So, think about this; the Christian who spends hours watching cable news or listening to political talk radio or engaging in political discussions, do they spend an equal amount of time in God’s word or telling others about Jesus?

My main point in this post is there is no problem with Christians being aware of current news events or what’s happening in the realm of politics, but it has its place in our Christian lives in the same way sports and other worldly activities do. But they are never to supersede our time with God or take His place at any time. It’s just my opinion but politics should never be heard in a Bible study or church service.

That’s a time for God’s word to be heard and bringing in a guest speaker on a Sunday morning to step into the pulpit and talk about anything but God’s word is wrong. That person who comes in and talks about political policies or a political agenda is cheating those in attendance out of the opportunity to hear God’s word. And no one ever was saved listening to a political lecture, that I’m aware of. When you just stop and think about it, what is gained by a political discussion in a Bible study? Is there any spiritual growth as a result? Does it bring you any closer to the Lord in your relationship with Him? Have you gained any spiritual insight at all? The answer to all these questions is no. When we meet together and study and discuss God’s word, we grow closer to Jesus. We mature in our walk with Jesus. Anything else which might be discussed is simply wasted time and adds no value to our Christian lives.

Churches, on Sunday mornings, are setting up voter registration tables along the way from the parking lot to the building. They have political ministries established within the church and a spokesperson who will travel around the country giving lectures to churches telling them how they too can start these political ministries in their churches. And it is all to ensure they get their candidate elected. It seems to me they have lost sight of the sovereignty of God. He is the one, the only one, who has the power and ability to place a person in the position of authority. (Rom 13) Wouldn't this time be better spent telling people about Jesus instead of how to start a political ministry?

Politics has created the largest divide this nation has known since the Civil War. And for Christians to jump onto this worldly bandwagon on either side, is a waste of time in their walk with the Lord. His concern for it is far less than His concern for your spiritual wellbeing and your walk with Him. Remember, He is a jealous God and wants you to worship only Him. When I saw all those flags and banners with the name of Jesus on them before the mob stormed the capitol, I just cringed. Jesus would never bless that activity and He really didn’t want His name associated with it.

As a Christian, having a political discussion with a family member, friend or neighbor is not a bad thing (unless, of course, it turns ugly). But when it becomes a major part of the Christian’s life, it is a problem. There is more, much more, benefit in reading and studying God’s word than discussing politics or anything in the realm of politics. Just know and understand where the line to cross is located and then don’t cross it. Life will be so much happier and more blessed.

-Bill Petite


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Narrowminded Christians

 I recently read about a First Baptist Church in the state of Indiana who had invited two men from a creation ministry to come into their church and give a presentation on the fallacies of evolution. The article, or post, didn’t say if the presentation concerning evolution was good or bad but it could be because the pastor of this church made it a point to apologize to his church and those visitors who were in attendance for the appearance of the two men. What this article did, regardless if it was intended or not, was display the narrowminded Christians in this church.

First the pastor apologized for one of the men because he had long hair. How long was his hair? The post didn’t say but evidently it was longer than acceptable by the people of this church. (He has since cut his hair so as not to offend anyone else where he might be invited to speak) The apology also included a statement which said that one of the men used an NIV (New International Version) Bible translation. Oh my, what’s this faith coming to? Of course, it is apparent that this Baptist church probably uses only the KJV (King James Version) and I’m sure they are of the KJV only crowd. (All scripture was quoted from the KJV) Now, I don’t use the NIV but I did years ago. Actually, the NIV is a very popular version among many pastors in this country. And, as far as the KJV is concerned, it’s not even the most accurate version in use. Christians who insist it is the only Bible that is trustworthy need to get a parallel Bible which has the original language in the center with the literal English beneath each verse. I have one which displays the original Greek in the center and the NIV on the left and the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) on the right. Beneath each Greek verse is the literal English translation. It is my opinion that the NRSV is the closest to the original languages. The NRSV is not my commonly used Bible, but I do refer to it frequently. That is a good practice for Christians who spend time studying the Bible. Use different versions, reliable versions, and the original languages to help get a good understanding of what the passages are saying.

This church openly criticized these two men for their choice of Bible version and for the long hair. Of course, the scripture they called out against the long hair was 1 Corinthians 11:14.

   Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him…

This is from the NRSV and is almost word for word how it is stated in the Greek. There is no command here from God or even Paul, the writer, to not wear long hair. It was thought to give the image that a man was effeminate or womanish and that was a dishonor to the man. But there is no direct command from God to not wear long hair. The Law says men should not dress like women and women should not dress like men, but it says nothing about the length of hair. Even so, the Nazarites wore long hair because they were not allowed to cut it. Does God have double standards? No, He doesn’t. This is what I refer to as Red Neck Christianity. And, in the case of this seminar or conference on evolution, these people couldn’t see the forest for the trees. In other words, the long hair and the NIV use totally distracted them from the facts being presented.

The narrowmindedness of the choice of Bible and thinking the KJV is the only reliable version shows their lack of knowledge concerning the reliability of other versions on the market which are fundamentally sound in their translation.

This comes from listening to and accepting the lie that the KJV is the only version. They have been taught this since they were saved, if they are saved. They were harsh in their criticism of these two men.

Another pastor in attendance also chimed in with harsh criticism and accused the two of directly disobeying the word of God. This was pertaining to the long hair and the misquoting of 1 Cor 11:14. Being critical of another person for doing or being something which they believe is right, but you disagree with is portraying yourself as a bigot. It’s no different than a person of one race blasting another person because of that person’s race. It's referred to as being a bigot. Now, I don’t use that word lightly and very seldom every use it but, in this case, this church has displayed themselves as bigots. But what’s worse is basing their reasons for this criticism on misquoting the Bible and accusing a proper and correct version of God’s word as being basically blasphemous. They are narrowminded, bigoted Christians. They are Red Necked Baptists who have been misled to believe there is only one correct version of the Bible. They believe in a misunderstood interpretation of a verse in the Bible and have used it to extremely criticize another Christian. This sure sounds like Alabama in the 1950s and it’s sad that there are still people like this claiming to be God’s people.

Nowhere else in God’s word does it say men will not have long hair. There is no command from God saying men cannot have long hair. It is widely believed by scholars that this was a cultural way of thinking just as this church in Indiana has made this a cultural doctrine. In a lot of cases, and especially today with the man bun being a popular item among some men, a man does not look right with long and fluffed hair or a man bun. (I personally don't have a problem with a man having long hair) It reminds me of a quote from Adam Clarke concerning this issue.

Perhaps there is not a sight more ridiculous in the eye of common sense than a high-dressed, curled, cued, and powdered head, with which the operator must have taken considerable pains, and the silly patient lost much time and comfort in submitting to what all but senseless custom must call an indignity and degradation. Hear nature, common sense, and reason, and they will inform you, that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him.

Now, remember that Adam Clarke probably wrote this in the late 1700s to the early 1800s. He was an English Methodist pastor so his perspective on long hair on men might be, and probably was, much different than ours today. But I did find this quote humorous.

 It’s sad to know there are still people like this calling themselves Christians but acting like the racist bullies of the South in the 1950s and 60s. Christians, the Bible teaches us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. It doesn’t teach us to think differently of other Christians who attend different meetings which are centered on Jesus. If the message is centered on the gospel and Jesus and is of sound Bible teaching, what is it any of our business if a person is using an NIV or a KJV? Both are sound and acceptable translations of God’s word. Don’t be a narrowminded Christian.

One last thing, I have nothing against the Baptist Church unless they are teaching a wrong and false doctrine. This specific church does border on false teaching by stating the KJV is the only version. Well, this was inferred by their criticism of the use of the NIV. Their misuse of scripture pertaining the length of men’s hair also is on shaky ground. If you personally don’t like long hair on a man, keep it to yourself and don’t criticize the person openly. There’s probably something about you that people don’t like. And finally, these two men were also criticized of where they attended church. Actually, they were criticized for the denominational church they attended. I would only ask, “Was the material they presented sound and truthful? Did they present any information that was incorrect or misleading? If the answer to these questions are first, yes and then no, then why be concerned with where they attend church? There are plenty of narrowminded bigots outside of the Church so we don’t need any on the inside.

-Bill Petite

Sunday, October 1, 2023

When They Come Knocking


On any given Saturday, there might be someone knocking on your door. It could be a door-to-door salesman (yes, they still exist), a neighbor or it could be two people from the Watchtower Society. These people are better known as The Jehovah’s Witness. When they come knocking, it always seems to catch you off-guard, right? Then your first impulse might be to just tell them you’re not interested and slam the door. But, as a Christian, we should consider that these people are destined for eternal suffering if they don’t hear the truth.

In my many years as a Christian, I have had several encounters with JWs at my door. Understand and know that Satan is very intelligent and wise and knows exactly when to have them interrupt your day. It’s mostly when you don’t expect them or when you’re having a bad day or following a spiritual high. Whatever the situation, you are never expecting them and if you are, they don’t come. I don’t think I have ever heard a Christian tell me they waited anxiously by their door on Saturday morning waiting for the JWs to come knocking. Actually, I’ve never heard anyone say that Christian or not.

But when they do come, you don’t have to be an expert on their doctrines and beliefs. What you need to know is what the Bible says. Studying the Bible and knowing its truth is the best weapon you can have against any cult or false doctrine. So, if you know your Bible, all you need to do is listen to their rhetoric and the false beliefs will be glaring. When they tell you that Jesus was just a man and not God or a different God, you will know that is a lie and not what the Bible teaches. (I don’t mean you have to listen to them go on and on) Always keep in mind that these people have bought into a lie and some of them for twenty or thirty years. They actually believe they have the truth. And that lie is leading them straight to hell and eternal suffering.

Don’t argue with them; that gains nothing, and you can’t argue anyone into heaven. I used to love debating with them and getting the “upper hand” so to speak. But in my aging years and ongoing maturity in my faith, I now have a sense of compassion for them while knowing they are doomed for hell if they don’t know and accept the truth. Just last week, on Saturday morning, two JW women came knocking at my door. One is always the primary speaker and more than likely a mentor of sorts to their partner. That seems to be the way they work. When I went out to greet them, I, at first, thought they were from a local church, so I told them I was a Christian and had been in ministry for years.

The primary seemed to like that or accepted it as a challenge but that was not my intent. When I asked what church they were from, she told me, “The Jehovah’s Witness.” Yes, it caught me off guard since I was expecting to have a brief conversation with two Christian women involved in a cold door knocking ministry. So, I quickly gathered myself and the woman began to tell me that they were at my door to tell me about the kingdom of God. She rattled on with some other nonsense and I informed them that I already have the kingdom of God within me. It was as if I had swooshed them back a step. They were almost leaning back in surprise at what I had said. Then I began to feel the compassion kicking in and I had to tell them the truth. They needed to know who Jesus really is.

The primary went to John 1:1 and I waited until she got to ‘the word was a god’ and I stopped her. I informed her that the interpretation of their New World Translation was incorrect. I explained that the original Greek which that was written in does not include the word, or article, a, because it does not exist in the Greek language. I also informed her that Col. 1:15-16 are translated incorrectly in their Bible. Where it says that Christ is the creator of all things, the word other is inserted and it is not in the original Greek manuscript. Again, they were a little stunned and then immediately said, “Well, we want to talk about the kingdom of God.” That’s when I informed them that I already have the kingdom of God within me. But before I could explain what I meant by that, and as they usually do when you have given them information they can’t respond to, they made their excuses for why they had to rush off and left. I wanted to spend more time explaining who Jesus really is, what He has done for us and how to be saved. But that’s not part of their training and indoctrination.

Let them talk when they first approach you. If you have told them you are a Christian, then set the ground rules. Tell them you will listen to them if they will listen to you. Now, sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t. Most times when you began to counter their lies with the truth, they have not been trained on this or how to respond. So, they make an excuse for why they have to go and then leave. That’s one approach but I simply allow them to talk and when they get to the heart of the lie, I stop them. For example, if they insist that Jesus is not God, as one told me last week, and it doesn’t say it in the Bible, stop them. At that point a simple, “Yes, the Bible does say that. Jesus said the Father and I are one.” But they might try to say He simply meant they are one as father and son are one of a kind or some other nonsense. They can’t prove that lie.

But remember, don’t get into an argument with them. Just explain what the Bible really does say. And remember they have been fed those lies for years. Don’t expect them to drop their New World Translation and start doing cartwheels in your front yard and praising the one true God. I’m not saying God can’t do that, but it would be an extreme rarity.

Over the years I have heard stories about how they have had hot water thrown on them, dogs sicked on them and even threatened with violence if they didn’t leave. I always wanted them to know I was never going to do anything like that. But I always let them know I am a Christian and in no way would ever buy into their cultish teachings. After that, it was up to them if they wanted to talk. Just listen closely and the lies will begin to stand out loud and clear, if you know your Bible. If you don’t want to talk with them, just politely let them know you can’t hear them out at that time and then include them in your prayers. Remember, they are headed for hell if they are not saved. These unsaved people are coming to your door and it’s a golden opportunity to tell them the truth about Jesus and the free gift of salvation. You don’t even have to leave your home to tell these people about the gospel.

Just remember, they might show up when you least expect it. You might be working on a project, preparing to go somewhere or just going through a normal routine on a Saturday morning. (It’s not always on a Saturday) Try not to be rude or offensive. And don’t think you have a superior knowledge over them. Simply allow the Holy Spirit to lead the conversation. And remember what a golden opportunity it is to be able to have them at your front door so you can tell them about the real Jesus. Two men caught me in my garage on a Saturday morning when I was only months into my Christianity. I wasn’t expecting them and wasn’t totally prepared. Before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed by, and the Holy Spirit had continued to give the words I needed to fend off the lies and false teachings they were throwing at me.

Again, the best way to be prepared or ready is by reading and studying the Bible. When you know that, you will always be prepared. As Paul told Timothy in 2 Tim 2:15-16.

Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth. Avoid worthless, foolish talk that only leads to more godless behavior.


And what Peter says in 1 Pet 3:15-16,

Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.

Don’t look at them as if they are a bother or just interrupting your day. These are people who must hear the truth about Jesus. They are destined for eternal suffering if they are not saved. It is no different than an unsaved family member or friend. You don't know that God might have sent them to you to hear the gospel message and the truth. And they are coming to you to hear the gospel but just like you were not expecting them, they are not expecting to hear the truth. Tell them and plant some seeds and pray for them.

-Bill Petite

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A Wrong Interpretation

Have you ever heard someone give a wrong interpretation of a Bible verse or passage? I’m sure many of you have. If you noticed it and were bothered by it, did you approach the speaker later and discuss it with him/her? I remember as a new Christian I depended a great deal on more mature Christians to help me understand the Bible. I sat under some pastors who taught a wrong doctrine concerning a Christian losing salvation. It always bothered me because I couldn’t reconcile it with anything in the Bible. The verses used just didn’t add up or appear to present a clear meaning of how the pastor had used it. As I matured in the Lord and furthered my study of the Bible, I soon discovered all that teaching was wrong and a misinterpretation of the scripture.

Some may ask, “Why would someone teach these things if they’re not true? Why would they want to teach these things?” The answer is simple; either they have an agenda to intentionally teach these false doctrines or they simply haven’t learned how to properly interpret scripture. It’s so easy to pull verses out of context and give a wrong meaning or a false interpretation. Maybe the teacher or pastor has been taught this false meaning or doctrine so he forces a verse or passage to support his false doctrine. I have witnessed this practice and it can be very difficult to get these people to accept they are wrong even when the evidence is crystal clear when presented to them.

Allow me to give an example of how this might be done concerning water baptism as a requirement for salvation. Let’s look at Mark 16:16,

He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

A simple cursory look at this scripture tells us in order to be saved, we must believe and be baptized. That is what this verse says. But does the Bible tell us this anywhere else? Can we support this idea or false claim by using another verse, passage or anything elsewhere in scripture? The answer would be no. This is not found anywhere else in the Bible concerning salvation. As a matter of fact, Eph. 2:8-9 tells how we are saved.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God  not of works, lest anyone should boast. 

These verses tell us we are saved by God’s grace and our faith in Him but says nothing about baptism. Another verse which is used to refute this idea is the thief on the cross next to Jesus. He believed Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah, and Jesus told him,

Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.  Lk 23:42-43

Even in the anguish which Jesus was suffering, he knew the sincerity of the man’s heart and saved him. Jesus said nothing to him concerning his lack of water baptism. Can you imagine what that would have sounded like?

“Well, I’m sorry sir but I can’t save you today from the fires of hell. If only you had been baptized prior to your death sentence and time on this cross. Then, I could have saved you.”

So, why would the gospel writer make this statement in scripture? What did he mean? This is how the Bible is misinterpreted. The verse says, “whoever believes and is baptized” and therefore, many just assume the meaning to be we need both of these for salvation. But that is wrong. The emphasis here is first to believe and following salvation, be baptized. It also says that he who does not believe, and there's the bottom line, will be condemned. It doesn't say he who does not believe and fails to be baptized will be condemned. Baptism is the outward display of what has happened on the inside. In Acts 10:44-48, Gentiles at Caesarea were saved and later baptized. Paul told the Corinthians,

  For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.   1 Cor 1:17

Paul, probably the greatest evangelist/pastor and Bible teacher to ever live (except Jesus), said he was sent to preach the gospel and not baptize. If water baptism was a requirement for salvation, why would God send Paul to only preach the gospel and not baptize? So, if a proper study and research is done concerning water baptism, it is easy to see that is not what MK 16:16 is saying as far as it being required for salvation.

Alright, I think you get what I’m saying about how scripture is wrongly interpreted. This is just one example and there are so many others. If you listen to some of the stuff that comes out of Bethal Church, Kenneth Copeland Ministries and those like them, you will hear some crazy things said concerning the Bible. The money and prosperity preachers have for many years taught a twisted scripture meaning to get you to send them your money and lie about how you can get rich. And many have fallen for it and believe it.

Finally, you might be scratching your head and wondering why people buy into these lies and believe them. The answer is simple; they don’t read and study the Bible. Being prepared through prayer and yielding to the Holy Spirit for His help, will enable any Christian to read, study and rightly know what the Bible is saying. It takes discipline, determination and the wisdom of God. But in too many cases, it’s easier to just sit and listen and believe everything that is said. The thinking can be something like this, “Well, he’s the pastor, he must be right. Why would he say things that are not true?” 

Those who think this way need to know about the Bereans in Acts 17:11. After listening to the Apostle Paul preach the gospel to them, they went to the scriptures and checked to see if he was telling them the truth and what the scripture says. If you’re listening to a pastor or Bible teacher and you hear something that doesn’t sound right, you should check your Bible and if it doesn’t add up, go talk to him. If the pastor is unapproachable, find another church. If he’s preaching false doctrine, run to another church.

So, the biggest problem on the teaching wrong doctrine end is a lack of understanding the scripture, laziness in study or bad study habits or just an outright attempt to intentionally teach a false doctrine. And a person who has been taught wrong his entire Christian life will use scripture wrongly to fit his wrong beliefs. For the Christian who buys into these wrong teachings, it’s what they have always heard and so they continue to believe it. They haven’t been taught why it’s wrong and shown from the scripture why it’s wrong. So, they continue to buy into teachings such as, you can lose your salvation, or you must be baptized to be saved and so many others. I was misled for years and even taught the wrong interpretation. (Concerning a different doctrine than losing your salvation)

But someone took the time to explain to me and show me from scripture where and why I was wrong. And that is what has to be done. An argument over doctrine or interpretation will not educate and allow the person to see and understand how and why they are wrong. I’m referring to essential doctrines such as salvation, the resurrection, heaven, hell and eternal security and others. Take them to scripture and passages in context so they can see and understand for themselves. Pray, educate and encourage; don’t argue. They will probably want to argue but keep the situation calm and kindly explain with God’s word how they can see and understand the truth. 

For me, I wanted to argue. I knew I was right, and I wasn’t going to accept their ‘wrong interpretation.' But the man who showed me used scriptures to show me how and why my beliefs didn’t add up. And then I knew. It was like a light bulb went on and it was all clear to me. It was then that I knew why those teachings didn’t add up or why I couldn’t get the verses to make sense.

Do it in love and kindness. Don’t raise your voice or type in all caps. Just simply explain the truth with God’s word. If you might have been exposed to a wrong teaching and are having doubts, pray and also ask for help from a trusted source and not someone who might be caught up in the same teaching. Don’t just sit and listen. Study and know what God’s word says. It is the document which we live our Christian lives by. Don’t just take someone’s word for it. Check it out in the Bible. Can it be systematically proven, or be threaded through the Bible, as scripture interprets scripture? Or does it fall apart.

Bill Petite