Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Times Have Changed

This morning, I read through the transcript of the first debate between Richard Nixon and John Kennedy in 1960. I'm not into the extreme following of the political agendas of candidates but I do enjoy researching history. The comparison from just over 60 years ago and today is crazy. The calmness and polite approach by each candidate and the respect shown for each other is astounding in comparison to today. Nixon and Kennedy agreed on some points and confessed that they did. But they would point out why they disagreed with other points and did it without name calling, mudslinging and raising their voices.

They showed respect for each other. The two candidates today are a 180 degree turn from that. It's plain to see how far this nation has fallen and to what it has become. None of Nixon's or Kennedy's points or policies included killing babies in the womb, rights of same sex couples, immigration or anything which is of importance today. Of course, people will say times have changed and that’s exactly my point. Oh, how they have changed.

Romans 1 paints a distinct picture of this fallen world. This culture has turned its back on God and as explained in Romans 1, He has given them over to their evil desires.
If you have ever read and studied Israel's path in the Old Testament, they were rescued by God and brought out of slavery from Egypt. They were given a land which they did nothing to earn. They were led into that land by God Himself. But it only took one generation to pass before they began to defy Him and live only for their own agendas. The Bible records their downward spiral right up to their exile.
Now, this nation hasn’t experienced the same thing as what Israel did but they did flee from 
England for the purpose of their freedom. And through the decades and centuries, God blessed this country and prospered it. But this nation, like Israel, has turned its back on God. This is not a Christian nation and I won't say it ever was, but in just the last 60+ years, we can see how far it has fallen.

Again, I'm not a rah, rah, political person. I won't wrap my Christian around a political candidate or party. But I will point out how far this nation has moved away from God. And, I will say that politics will never save this nation, nor will any political candidate or politician.
The only hope for any part of this nation and its evil culture is prayer. Only God can save this nation and I don't know that's in His plan. I can't imagine how much farther this country will move away from God and I'm glad to be in the latter stages of my life and possibly won't be around to see how much worse it can get.
You can search all through the Bible but will never find this nation mentioned. This is not God's chosen nation, that is Israel. As a Christian, don't get sucked into believing that lie.
I'm not anti-American; I'm a Christian who is a citizen of this country; I fought under the flag of this country and was proud to do so, even though I was spit at and called names when I returned. But I'm a Christian first and my first allegiance is to God, not a politician or this nation. I’m not in rebellion against this nation. The Bible tells us to obey His appointed leaders (Rom 13) and to pray for those leaders (1Tim 2). But it doesn’t tell us to worship those people or to give them more attention than to God. Israel is still God’s chosen nation; it’s the only nation he recognizes as His own. And it will be the last nation standing when He returns for His Church. Zechariah 14 records and tells us all of this. Now, if you’re not a Christian, I wouldn’t expect you to believe any of this. For you, it’s simply progress. We’ve come out of a dark age of dullness and bigotry and into the 21st century of love for everyone and freedom to do as one pleases. That reminds me of a line from the book of Judges.  In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. Judges 21:25

We don’t have a king because we don’t have that type of government but the leadership in this country has been lacking for years. There is no obedience to God and the people have done whatever they wanted and seemed right to them. Remember, the answer is prayer, not people.

-Bill Petite