Friday, May 19, 2023

Like a Dying Ember


For those who have spent any time camping in the great outdoors, you might have sat and watched as the camp fire slowly burned down and finally, you saw the last dying ember fade away. As I look and listen to things and events and happenings in the Church in this country, the USA, it’s easy to see something similar. I know there are many Christians who would argue that point and that’s their privilege to do so. But for those who would choose to argue, I would simply suggest comparing some of the local churches in this country to what the Bible says.

Allow me to give just one quick example. A mega church pastor in Arizona was asked to step down because he wrote a book which, in so many words, compare our relationship with Jesus to sexual intercourse. (That is a brief and blunt description) Now, where do we find that in the Bible? Jesus does refer to His Church as the bride of Christ but never any mention of what this pastor is referring to. Seriously, what kind of mind goes there? It’s just my opinion but, this guy shouldn’t be allowed near a pulpit again with those kinds of ideas. It ranks right up there with Benny Hinn, years ago, stating that the trinity is real and each person of the trinity consists of its own trinity. So, he said there are nine of them. He made this statement to his church congregation on a Sunday morning and later on live TV. That ember wasn’t dying, it was dead!

We live in a country divided by many topics. You can read an article or post on a media web site and then in the comments which follow, you can read and notice the sharp divide in the disagreements. There is no more, “Well, let’s discuss this issue.” No, it is name calling, put downs and harsh character assassinations. And, it’s not just on the secular sites. It’s the same on Christian web sites. I expect it on the secular sites but when I read that type of nonsense on a Christian site, it’s obvious the ember is dying. Another thing I have noticed is regardless of the topic of the post or article, the comments will always go to politics and political assassination.

That’s probably the biggest divide we can witness in this country. The division between those who differ in their political views is as sharp and wide as it has ever been. Again, I expect that from the nonbelieving world but it is just as bad with Christians. I’m a firm believer that there is no room or space for politics in the pulpit. That’s not what I go to church to hear. That’s God’s time. It’s a time reserved for worshipping Him, not discussing political views and agendas. If two people want to stand outside of the sanctuary and discuss politics, that’s their business. But again, why go to church to discuss politics? But that’s the mind set of many Christians today. Jesus walked this earth during the reign of the Romans. They could be brutal and we read and know that as it pertains to Jesus’ execution on a cross and the beatings He experienced before the cross. He shed more blood before He was nailed to that cross then on the cross. But not once, during His time here, did He dive into a political lecture on the politics and policies of the Roman government. He never once spoke of politics. I believe there is a time and place for those discussions (calm and mannerly discussions) but it’s not in the pulpit or ministry.

There have been many moral issues dragged into the political realm. The Gay lifestyle and gay marriage, abortion rights, transgenderism and attacks on the Christian church. It has to break Gods heart to see people marching and protesting loudly for the right to kill the child in the womb. Women crying over the right to kill the baby in their womb.

These people have been deceived by the ruler of this world, Satan, into believing it’s not a life which lives within them. So, to them, it is simply an inconvenience. It’s something which is going to interfere with their life or their life plans so they decide to have it removed. I do know and understand why they do this and why they believe what they believe about the unborn child. They are not Christians so how could they know and understand what they are really doing. But know this; every one of those 70+ million babies which have been killed are now in the presence of Jesus. They are not dead; they are very much alive and well with Jesus. But for those who have, without a second thought, committed these murders, they will have to answer for them when they stand before Jesus, unless they have asked Him to forgive them and know His as their Lord and savior.

What some of us refer to as the Liberal Progressive Church has been participating in the marriage of Gay couples for many years now. Some of these churches have ordained and allowed Gays to be in ministry as pastors and leaders. The Bible is very clear on God’s standing on these issues. He’s is against it. But these churches have their own interpterion of the Bible or simply ignore the parts which speak against their actions. Some of them have spoken against Israel and taken up support for the Palestinians. I had the opportunity to explain this error to a member of one of these churches and his eyes were opened to his being mislead in this belief. The gospel is a rarity in these churches but strong social justice lectures can readily be heard. I can’t judge, nor would I try, but I have to wonder and question, is Jesus in these churches or is He on the outside looking in?

Another serious issue is the way some in the churches in this country are so quick to accept any lie which sounds good. Take the Enneagram for instance. Now, I’m not an expert on this fallacy but I know it’s not biblical. It’s not even close to being biblical. Yet many churches in this country welcomed it in with open arms. It is based on New Age philosophy and is nothing more than an updated type of Ouija board. Instead of me butchering what it is all about, allow me to recommend a very good book on the Enneagram and why it has no place in Christianity.

Richard Rhor and The Enneagram Secret, by Don and Joy Vienot and Marcia Montenegro

This is just one of many false teachings and misleading tools which Satan has brought into the Church. What is really surprising to some Christians is the way so many accept these lies with open arms and never investigate any of them. They are so gullible and ready to take part in any thing new which they believe to be from God. The problem is they don’t read the Bible so how could they ever know what was from God and what isn’t? They have pastors and leaders who have a skewed view of the Bible or of God. They have their own ideas of who God is and most of the time, it’s not God. That is why so many have been misled and deceived by the lies over the years. The solution is really simple. Read and study the Bible. Attend a church which teaches the truth of the Bible, from the Bible. Be a Berean (Acts 17:11) and check it out in God’s word to see if what you hear is biblical truth or someone’s home spun fantasy.

Before I close, I want to make one thing clear. The Church of Jesus Christ will never be a dying ember. Jesus told Peter that all the powers of hell will never destroy it. Jesus will return one day and take His Church with Him to spend eternity in heaven. But the dying ember in this country consists of those whose faith is based on stories and lies told to them by agents of the devil himself. Maybe the seed never took root in their hearts or they have just been along for the ride because it sounds good. But those who have been truly saved by Jesus and the grace of the Father will never be a part of the dying ember. As MT 22:14 tells us, “Many are called but few are chosen.” Many of these people taking part in the belief of these fallacies may have very well heard the gospel at one time or another in their lives but never fully accepted it and went on their own. Again, we can’t judge the heart of anyone so we don’t know. But for those who might be wrestling with that call, stop struggling with it and accept Jesus into your life. You don’t want to be a part of the dying ember.

-Bill Petite