How Did We Get Here
In the past 30+ years within the Church in the United States, there has been a trend, or trends, which has led to a lack of sound Biblical teaching and preaching. This has contributed to a spiritually weakened Christian population. So, how did we get here? That’s the question which far too many Christians are not asking today. Going back to Bill Hybels at Willow Creek Community Church, he began to change the format of Sunday morning church service. On most Sunday mornings, there was nothing from the Bible. There was no Bible teaching or sermon. There were skits performed by actors and there was music but no Bible. This church’s attendance reached to approximately 24,000. That’s 24,000 people attending a type of church service but not hearing anything from God’s word.
Not long after Bill Hybels began his work at Willow
Creek, another man traveled to the Saddle Back Valley in Southern California to
begin a church planting process based on Hybels ideas. Rick Warren left
seminary in Texas and arrived in the wealthy area known as Saddle Back Valley
and began to knock on doors with a set of specific questions he would ask residents.
Questions such as, “Do you attend church and if not why?” That’s a simple
question but it can allow for some crazy responses. But Warren went through
this neighborhood knocking on doors and asking his questions and at his first
Sunday morning service, he had about 250 people attend. This was the beginning
of what would become a super mega church with multisite campuses. So, how did
Warren grow his church to such a huge size? It was partly due to his purpose
driven everything books and his church planting scheme.
His book, The Purpose Driven Church, provided a plan
for church planting or how he did it and also how to do church. Local churches
across the country began to model his approach to doing church. And church ministries
around the country began to model his church planting plan. Now, Rick Warren
did teach the Bible in church services but you might be able to walk in and
walk out without feeling any conviction at all. I was in attendance at a men’s retreat at the
conference center where the church movement I was involved in was located. It
was a site where the Bible college campus was and also the site for pastor’s
and missionary conferences as well as men’s and women’s retreats. At the time
we were there, Saddle Back was also there holding a men’s retreat. I had an
opportunity to look at the topics for each of their sessions. The topics were
not actually Biblically based. One, which I distinctly remember was, “How to
have a better sex life with your wife.” I don’t want to sound critical but I wouldn’t
consider that Bible based material for how to be a better man of God. But I’m
sure I can get a lot of arguments over that one.
On my way to church service on Sunday mornings, I
would drive by church marquees with the announcement that they would be studying
from Warren’s book, 40 Days of Purpose. That told me a lot about that church.
If you’re conducting a church service and you’re going to be teaching from a
book, it should to be the Bible. Why teach from a book that is loosely based on
the Bible when you can teach straight from the Bible. It was a fad that had
swept through the church at that time.
Teaching from books, reducing the amount of time
teaching or preaching from the Bible and then, using worldly approaches to get
people to come into the church, was becoming the latest fad in many churches.
The way worship through song and music was conducted in
comparison to a secular rock concert and it became a time of entertainment
instead of worship. Matt Redman wrote and sang a song about this style of
worship and was asking God’s forgiveness and the lyric told how he was
returning to the heart of worship because it was all about Jesus. Music worship
had become a concert with the fog machines and lights. I’m a fan of
contemporary music worship but not rock concerts on Sunday morning.
Food courts began to show up in churches along with
lounges outside of the sanctuary. The old coffee and donuts on Sunday mornings
had been replaced by burgers and pizza and specialty coffees and Lattes. I have
had people tell me they would attend church on Sunday morning and never go into
the sanctuary but sit in one of the areas outside of the sanctuary and eat or
drink coffee. That’s not church, that’s going out to breakfast. As time
progressed, the doors to these churches were wide open to the world and its
culture. These types of churches were so eager to use the schemes and marketing
ploys of the world just to put people in the seats of their sanctuaries. And
not only get them in the doors but to keep them coming back and it worked. Pastors
became celebrities instead of spiritual leaders. They became unavailable to
those in attendance. Some would show up just minutes before they went onto the
platform. They waited in ‘green rooms’ as if they were a guest on a late-night
show. And when they finished speaking, they were whisked away in a vehicle by a
driver. These churches had become a place of entertainment with a celebrity figure
who said a bunch of feel-good things for a few minutes and then was gone.
Sorry, but that’s not church. That’s a Sunday morning rock concert featuring a
motivational speaker.
One last thing I want to mention before I close this writing.
One of the items which might be the most damaging to the Church was/is the
political divide in this country. When I was first involved in church ministry,
we had a standing unwritten rule. There would be no political discussion from
the pulpit, in a Bible study or at any time during church ministry. But that
seems like a normal process from the pulpit in many churches today. Political
candidates are invited to speak on Sunday mornings and pastors speak openly
about politics and politicians. The strong political divide has found its way
inside the church and it has become a tool which deteriorates the spiritual
well being of many of congregations and local churches.
Real Christianity is based on our faith in Jesus. It’s
about living a life which is pleasing to Jesus and striving to be more and more
like Him. It is serving Him and following His example for us and not the local
politician or your favorite presidential candidate or a political party. Jesus
never promoted politics; the apostle Paul never talked politics. Jesus spoke
about the Father and the kingdom of heaven. Paul talked about Jesus and the
gospel. He never talked to the people, where he traveled, about how to be a
patriot or how to better love your country. He spoke about Jesus and the
salvation He provided and how Jesus wants us to live our lives. He taught them
and us to pray for those in authority, regardless of how good or how bad of a
person they might be.
The Bible doesn’t teach Christians how to be critical
of others. It does teach us to forgive others and that seems to be a forgotten
command by many Christians today.
I realize there are many Christians who are extremely
disappointed with the situation in which this country finds itself but hating
and being critical is not the way God would have us manage it. One of the most
important things we can do is pray. But that also seems to be a forgotten practice
in the lives of many Christians.
Prayer is the only way approach any situation or
problem in life and that includes praying for others and authorities. Barna
recently conducted a poll of full-time pastors asking if they had seriously
considered quitting and why. A very large percentage answered yes and the
biggest reason was due to the stress of dealing with politics in the church.
Many believe there are a great number of Christians who have placed more faith
in politics than in Jesus. That should be a wakeup call to the Church. But when
these Christians are moving through life like a spiritual zombie, it will take
a strong rebuke to get their attention.
How did we get here? The doors of the Church have been
swung wide open and have welcomed in the world and its cultural lifestyles and
standards. From rock concerts to political rallies on Sunday mornings and a
lack of teaching the word of God. And that just scratches the surface. The hard
fact is, Christians can’t vote their way out of a fallen country. We have the
privilege of voting our conscious and we should. But those changes can’t be
made by simply dropping a ballot in the box on election day. In order to change
the way people think, they have to know Jesus. (Rom 12:2) And, in order for
Christians to change the way nonbelievers think, they need to tell them about
Jesus. But it all starts with prayer. It requires prayer for government leaders
local and nationally. It requires telling family and friends and neighbors
about Jesus. And it requires Christians to read and study their Bibles. Just
listening to what the pastor says on Sunday morning isn’t the way to learn or
study the Bible. It takes individual effort. A serious lack of these types of
Christian practices is what has brought us to this point in the Church.
In the Christian life, Jesus is at the center, or he
should be if He isn’t. Don’t misunderstand. There are many local churches that
teach and preach the Bible every time the doors are open for service. But there
are so many more who have allowed the culture and ways of the world to be
ushered in and have yielded to them. God is a jealous God who wants all of our
worship and praise. He doesn’t want to share it with any part of this world.
Step back today and take a long serious look at your Christian life and see
where you are at. Is Jesus at the center of your life? Or are there some other
things there instead? Jesus gave His life so we can live, live for eternity
with Him. Do we honor Him when we put these worldly practices ahead of Him? The
answer is no. Don’t be a spiritual zombie. Wake up and move Jesus back to the
-Bill Petite