Do Politics Belong Inside the Church
It seems that in this country, the U.S., everything is political. The divide is as great a chasm as has ever been in this country. It doesn't matter what the topic is, it will become a political conversation. The wearing of a mask at the height of the pandemic was a political divide. How does wearing or not wearing a mask become a political divide? It was clear it became political because of what one politician or another said about it. If a Democrat said we must wear it and a Republican disagreed, then it became a political issue. It's the same thing with the vaccine; if a Democrat pushes it and a Republican disagrees, it becomes political. What ever happened to independent thinking? Why do so many people just fall into line behind everyone who has chosen a side instead of thinking the situation through and deciding for themselves what to do. If it's a medical issue, why would I depend on a politician to make that decision for me? Why wouldn't I listen to a doctor? Of course, many will say the doctor is going to lean left or right and give you his personal opinion. If that's the case, time to find another doctor.
Now, after saying all of that, I have to also say this has had an adverse effect on the Church. There are many local churches who are beginning to, or have been, take sides on many different political agendas. Personally, I don't agree with politics in the Church. Jesus never challenged the Roman government; Paul never challenged the Roman government and he had a few run ins with them. Actually, Paul told the elders of the church in Ephesus in Acts 20:24,
But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
There was no room in Paul's life for political arguments or stances. His one goal in life was to tell as many people as he could about Jesus. When he left a place he had been teaching the gospel, he left leaders in charge of the new local church. He never taught them to oppose or fight against the government. Before Jesus ascended back into heaven from the Mount of Olives, his instructions to his disciples were to make disciples of the world (MT 28:19). At no time did Jesus instruct His disciples to oppose the government of even discuss it in conjunction with what He had taught them. Paul told the church in Rome,
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Rom 12:2
But there are, today, some local churches who spend their time, while in a Sunday service, talking about social issues and never mention anything from the Bible. It is all social everything and no gospel at all. The most important agenda is how to rescue the world from it's social shortcomings. Now, as Christians, the Bible does tell us to provide for the poor, the needy and others but not at the expense of eliminating God's word and the gospel message.
When local churches begin to take sides on social issues such as Critical Race Theory, nothing good can come from it. I used to talk to men about Promise Keepers and their need to preach on racism. This was over twenty years ago and believed it was unnecessary to talk about this. I believed it would only create a division in the church which wasn't there. Maybe I was wrong but I believed, and still do, that a Christian living for Jesus would not allow this into their lives. Actually, the Holy Spirit would guard against it in their lives. And, I believe that would still be the case today if the Church did not allow the world and its agendas inside the local church. (I never attended Promise Keepers or supported it)
The question is, do politics belong inside the Church? Many Christians and Christian leaders will answer yes to that question. The Progressive Liberal side of the Church is all for this. Most on the conservative side are mixed; some do think politics has a place in the local church and some don't. Prior to his death, Chuck Smith, who was the leader of the Calvary Chapel movement, had a hard line stance against politics in the pulpit. I always admired that stance; this didn't mean politics was cast aside totally. There was an understanding of the importance of the political system in this country and everyone was encouraged to vote their own conscious but nothing was ever heard from the pulpit concerning this.
I agree with this stance; when conducting a Sunday morning service, that is God's time. Anything taking the place of Him during that time is the same as placing an idol in the church building. Some will say that is extreme but it is true that anything which is placed ahead or over God is an idol. Giving the time for worshipping Him to a political agenda or social issue is the same as an idol. When a time is set aside to worship God and something else supersedes that, God has been placed second and not first in that time. In the Church today, there are a lot of pastors who think they're politicians and a lot of politicians who think they are pastors. It is definitely a sign of the times.
What is the primary purpose of a Christian or the Church? The first and foremost purpose of Christians is to tell the lost world about Jesus. The word of God tells us this repeatedly.
Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Pet 3:15
I've read the Bible through at least thirty-five times and I don't recall ever reading where we should include a political agenda in our worship of God. Jesus' death on the cross was a not for a political purpose even though some would argue it was according to the Sanhedrin. Even that is not exactly correct. They were so selfish and spiritually blind, they couldn't see that Jesus was the Messiah who had come to save the world from sin. But they only saw a man trying to steal their religious thunder.
We are told in God's word that Jesus is our example of how to live and He never debated or challenged the Roman government. Even when He was challenged about paying taxes to the Romans and asked if He thought it was right. His response was direct and to the point.
And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said, “Caesar's. Then he said to them, “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.” MT 22:20 ESV
Jesus never taught His disciples how to debate political issue but instead taught them how to live as His followers and then their responsibility to tell the world about Him.
God knew He would have to have a form of order among the people He created so He instituted government. It was a tool He gave mankind for the purpose of keeping order among them. But as with everything else God created, mankind perverted and distorted it and corrupted it. And, as with everything else God created, He intended it for good but man has corrupted it. That's the political systems around the world. There is only one item which is the most important item in this world and that is Jesus. He died for our sin on a cross and there is no political agenda tied to the cross. I'm sure some will twist it into their own political agenda and say it was all political but that's not true. God didn't send His only Son to die on a cross to fulfill a political agenda.
Now, having said all of that, I will say there is nothing wrong with a Christian voicing his/her preferences for a candidate for a political office. I have no issues with a Christian voicing their preference or opposition for a political agenda. But when Christians place a politician in a position in their life which takes up more time then they spend with the Lord, that's wrong. Over the last five years, many Christians have place a politician on a platform in their lives which is higher than Jesus. There is not one politician who has died for anyone's sin. Actually, there is no human being who can. Many of these Christians have been so involved in a political agenda they have placed Jesus, His word and prayer down the list of priorities in their lives and Satan loves it. Satan loves when Christians move their devotion away from God and to a worldly agenda.
Do politics belong inside the Church? My answer is no. My meaning of this is politics should never be a part of a worship service. Politics should never become so important in the life of a Christian that it supersedes their relationship with Jesus. I'm not opposed to Christians discussing politics in an orderly manner but there lies the problem. It cannot be discussed in an orderly manner. People don't know how to discuss an issue where there are opposing views without it becoming an argument instead of a discussion.
The world has invaded the Church with more agendas than politics. The most important thing we can do as the Church is keep Jesus first in the Church and in our lives. If Christians would read their Bibles and live their lives the way the Bible tells us to, there would be no reason for me to even write on this topic and for someone to oppose it. It's no different than devoting more time to sports or entertainment than Jesus. Anything we spend more time with than Jesus is wrong. Turn off the cable news networks, the internet news media and social media and spend that time with Jesus. Your life will be filled with more peace and less frustration.
Bill Petite