Where Is God In This?
In the many years I have been a Christian or in Christian ministry, I have been asked by many people during a crisis, "Where is God in this?" Well, as the old saying goes, "If I had a dollar for every time I was asked that question, I'd be a rich man." But the answer is usually one they don't want to hear because most of the people asking are not saved. The answer is simple; God is right here in the midst of this. He is always right here with us regardless of crisis or not. When Jesus ascended back into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God the Father, the Holy Spirit was sent and is indwelled in each and every believer in Jesus. For those who are not saved and do not believe in Jesus as their savior, they will never understand or believe it.
Why would people actually believe in a Star Wars concept of a mighty force or that the universe has a powerful force which might control our lives and call the Holy Spirit foolish? We have to go back to Genesis for that answer. God created Adam and Eve and told them, commanded them, not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were created perfect without sin. But they broke and disobeyed the command that the Lord had given to them. This was a sin; disobeying the Lord and not following this command allowed sin to enter into this world (Gen 3). Sin is the cause for aging, disease and death and many other things. While Adam and Eve were in the garden, they didn't have to work in order to get anything to grow; it was all there provided by God. But as a result of their sin, they were cast out of the garden and forced to work to grow crops to eat. Sin brought decay and corruption to the world and the earth suffered as well (Rom 8:21-22). This sin is something we are all born with. It's often referred to as the sin nature or original sin and it controls our way of thinking, living and the way we treat and react to others. That is until we are saved and receive the Holy Spirit who comes to reside in us. At that point we experience a life change, a new life (2 Cor 5:17).
So, what does all this have to do with God being right here among us during this time of crisis? It's simple. I have referred to the fact that the Holy Spirit resides within each of us who are saved. His influence is not only in our lives but in the lives of those around us. But more than that, God is sovereign and is in control of everything which happens in this world. Alright, so the next question would be, "If He is in control of everything that happens in this world, why does He allow something like this deadly virus to take so many lives?" That's a far question and the answer is again simple. When sin entered this world and we were all born with a sin nature, which is anti God in every way, we were all doomed to death. Allow me to expand a little further. All who die without knowing Jesus as their savor are doomed to spend eternity in everlasting torment in hell. Well, that always gets the attention of the nonbelievers and draws much criticism. And that also brings another question, "Why would a loving God send people to hell to suffer?" The answer is this; God sends nobody to hell. He knew we were all doomed as a result of the original sin in our lives. He knew this was the result of Adam and Eve opening the door to sin and because He loves us so much, He sent His own sinless Son to die on a cross in our place. Only He could be that sacrifice because He had no sin and that was the requirement for that penalty. That was the price which had to be paid in order to redeem us from that sin.
What we have to do is to know and understand what this truly means and what this free gift from God does for us. It saves us from that sin corrupted life and gives us a new life with Jesus. Is there a force in this world? Yes, and it is called the Holy Spirit. He knows all things and is able to be everywhere at the same time. He is able to know our thoughts and the intentions of our hearts. We can hide nothing from God. Scary? Well, if we are living our lives to please Him it shouldn't be. I would much rather have the Holy Spirit living within me than the nasty and evil sin nature. The sin nature still exists but as we abide and trust in the Spirit, the sin nature is suppressed.
God is right here in the midst of this crisis and knowing we all deserved to die in our sin and spend eternity in severe torment; we must understand that God is not a respecter of any person or nation. He doesn't seek out anyone for advice or direction. He doesn't base any decision on how we think and feel. He is sovereign and is in control of everything which happens today and all the days which will follow. Once, as a Christian, this is understood and believed, this question will be easily answered, "Where is God in this?"
One final note. Being a Christian does not exempt us from the virus or any other disease which might exist. Don't believe what some hyper Charismatic preachers are saying about being safe from this virus. Don't believe the one who might declare that this virus has been stopped in its tracks and no longer exists. Believe with the Holy Spirit in our lives we have a peace which the world does not understand. We can use that peace to bring calm to the panic and tell others about how they too can know that peace and calm. Now is the time for us to stand strong as we face this crisis and do the work which Jesus has told us to do. Tell the world about Jesus. He is the savior and brings peace. And, one last question, "What are we afraid of as Christians?" If we die as a result of anything aren't we going to be immediately in the presence of the Lord? Oh yeah, that's the best cure for anything. Know the peace which the Lord has given us and tell the world about Him. There is much we can do while being obedient to the leaders of this nation and following their recommendations and directives. And always remember that God is sovereign over all things.
Bill Petite
Why would people actually believe in a Star Wars concept of a mighty force or that the universe has a powerful force which might control our lives and call the Holy Spirit foolish? We have to go back to Genesis for that answer. God created Adam and Eve and told them, commanded them, not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were created perfect without sin. But they broke and disobeyed the command that the Lord had given to them. This was a sin; disobeying the Lord and not following this command allowed sin to enter into this world (Gen 3). Sin is the cause for aging, disease and death and many other things. While Adam and Eve were in the garden, they didn't have to work in order to get anything to grow; it was all there provided by God. But as a result of their sin, they were cast out of the garden and forced to work to grow crops to eat. Sin brought decay and corruption to the world and the earth suffered as well (Rom 8:21-22). This sin is something we are all born with. It's often referred to as the sin nature or original sin and it controls our way of thinking, living and the way we treat and react to others. That is until we are saved and receive the Holy Spirit who comes to reside in us. At that point we experience a life change, a new life (2 Cor 5:17).
So, what does all this have to do with God being right here among us during this time of crisis? It's simple. I have referred to the fact that the Holy Spirit resides within each of us who are saved. His influence is not only in our lives but in the lives of those around us. But more than that, God is sovereign and is in control of everything which happens in this world. Alright, so the next question would be, "If He is in control of everything that happens in this world, why does He allow something like this deadly virus to take so many lives?" That's a far question and the answer is again simple. When sin entered this world and we were all born with a sin nature, which is anti God in every way, we were all doomed to death. Allow me to expand a little further. All who die without knowing Jesus as their savor are doomed to spend eternity in everlasting torment in hell. Well, that always gets the attention of the nonbelievers and draws much criticism. And that also brings another question, "Why would a loving God send people to hell to suffer?" The answer is this; God sends nobody to hell. He knew we were all doomed as a result of the original sin in our lives. He knew this was the result of Adam and Eve opening the door to sin and because He loves us so much, He sent His own sinless Son to die on a cross in our place. Only He could be that sacrifice because He had no sin and that was the requirement for that penalty. That was the price which had to be paid in order to redeem us from that sin.
What we have to do is to know and understand what this truly means and what this free gift from God does for us. It saves us from that sin corrupted life and gives us a new life with Jesus. Is there a force in this world? Yes, and it is called the Holy Spirit. He knows all things and is able to be everywhere at the same time. He is able to know our thoughts and the intentions of our hearts. We can hide nothing from God. Scary? Well, if we are living our lives to please Him it shouldn't be. I would much rather have the Holy Spirit living within me than the nasty and evil sin nature. The sin nature still exists but as we abide and trust in the Spirit, the sin nature is suppressed.
God is right here in the midst of this crisis and knowing we all deserved to die in our sin and spend eternity in severe torment; we must understand that God is not a respecter of any person or nation. He doesn't seek out anyone for advice or direction. He doesn't base any decision on how we think and feel. He is sovereign and is in control of everything which happens today and all the days which will follow. Once, as a Christian, this is understood and believed, this question will be easily answered, "Where is God in this?"
What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy.
You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?
Rom 9:14-16, 19-21
One final note. Being a Christian does not exempt us from the virus or any other disease which might exist. Don't believe what some hyper Charismatic preachers are saying about being safe from this virus. Don't believe the one who might declare that this virus has been stopped in its tracks and no longer exists. Believe with the Holy Spirit in our lives we have a peace which the world does not understand. We can use that peace to bring calm to the panic and tell others about how they too can know that peace and calm. Now is the time for us to stand strong as we face this crisis and do the work which Jesus has told us to do. Tell the world about Jesus. He is the savior and brings peace. And, one last question, "What are we afraid of as Christians?" If we die as a result of anything aren't we going to be immediately in the presence of the Lord? Oh yeah, that's the best cure for anything. Know the peace which the Lord has given us and tell the world about Him. There is much we can do while being obedient to the leaders of this nation and following their recommendations and directives. And always remember that God is sovereign over all things.
Bill Petite