Monday, June 18, 2018

As The Days of Noah Where....

We are living in a time and society which promotes the secular culture and rebels against anything which represents God. If a Christian speaks out concerning his/her belief on marriage being between a man and a woman, they are immediately labeled a bigot. When a baker in Colorado declined to bake a cake for a gay wedding, he had to take his case all the way to the United States Supreme Court to get vindication with the Court ruling in his favor. But even in this case, the decision does not set precedent for Christian vendors declining to provide services for gay customers. So, that door is still open for gays to target these Christian businesses. In the case of the a bakery in Oregon, Aaron and Milissa Klein were fined $135,000 for not baking a wedding cake for a gay couple. The Kleins were forced to close their business due to the protesting and harassment of the Gay community and activists. The Kleins paid their fine and lost their business over this but they continued to stand on their Biblical and Christian values. Now, the attitude of this culture would say, "Please come out of the 1950s and come into the 21st century." Well, the Bible said the same thing in the 1950s as it does today. As a matter of fact, the writer of Hebrews makes this statement concerning Jesus,
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Heb 13:8  NLT
 In the beginning the Word already existed.
    The Word was with God,
    and the Word was God.   JN 1:1   NLT
Jesus is God and He never changes as we see in the verses above so, it doesn't matter what year it is or what century it is, the word of God, or Jesus, never changes and it will always apply in our lives.

I recently read an article about the Supreme Court of Canada  ruling that a Christian law school can be denied accreditation because they refuse to enroll Gays, well sort of. The university's statement concerning this includes a statement such as, "...students and faculty will voluntarily abstain from sexual intimacy which violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman." The school also forbids any out of marriage sexual activity. The school expects it's students and faculty to live according Christian standards as taught by the Bible. But, that's an outdated and discriminatory attitude in or society and culture and according to the decision handed down by the court. There was even a move in this case which attempted to deny the students graduating from this Christian school the right to practice law in Canada. This is tolerance?

The institution of marriage in today's society has been obliterated and shredded in respect to what God intended it for. Marriage is between a man and a woman as the Bible tells us,
 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Gen 1:27  NASB
 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Gen 2:24   NASB
Our culture today attacks the Bible, saying that it is just a book which was written by a bunch of men many years ago and that is correct. It was written by a bunch of men many years ago under the inspiration of God. God used these authors to tell His love story to the world throughout the ages of time. We can't force anyone to accept God or His word but, the evidence is overwhelming when it comes to proving His word to be true and accurate and without error. To just consider the archaeological evidence alone, so much proof has been uncovered which aligns with the Bible. Names, people and places have been discovered in these digs. Evidence uncovered long after the writings were complete. God's word is true and without error and will never be outdated.

Jesus tells us in the writing of the gospel of Matthew what the times will be like before He returns,
For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.  For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,  and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.  Gen 24:37-39  NASB
As we look around at our society today, it is very similar to what Jesus was saying about the time of Noah.  People today don't want bothered with anything in their lives which will hinder their way of life. It's not just about Gay marriage and Gay lifestyle, that's just a small portion of what our society is about. Attempting to hammer away at the Gays by Christians is a little narrow minded because although they are living in a sinful lifestyle, so are so many others in our society. All of those heterosexual couples who are living as a married couple, but they are not married, is no different than the Gay couple. It's all sexual sin and this particular sin is no worse that the guy cheating on his wife or the pedophile or the bank robber. Sin is sin and God doesn't classify it. Without salvation in Jesus Christ, a person is still lost in his/her sin.
I could go on and on about this culture; the drugs, the booze, pornography, sex trafficking, school shootings, gang shootings and just plain murder. Sin is running loose in our society and the only hope for a person caught up in it is Jesus. Jesus is not outdated; He is alive and He wants to save the person who is lost in the sinful society.
And finally, the Church. There are so many local churches and denominations who have left the path which leads to the narrow gate. Churches accepting Gay marriage and sexually active Gays into ministry. Churches who refuse to preach and teach about the blood atonement of Christ, which is our only way to salvation. They refuse to talk about the cross, hell, salvation, sanctification and glorifying God. Their Sunday sermons and messages have become feel good lectures and opinionated political speeches and homilies which say nothing of God or His word. We shouldn't be attending a country club social meeting on Sunday mornings inside a building which resembles a church building. We should be hearing the word preached from the Bible and not a book some man wrote and is on the New York Times best seller list. And, if we want to be entertained musically, we should attend a concert and not something passed off as music worship. Far too many Churches have become a place to gather and meet for anything but what it is supposed to be. There are delis and coffee shops and pizza and sandwich shops all in the lobby of the church building. There are skits performed and loud music and sometimes even fog along the platform. Multimillion dollar buildings and facilities all across the country which house mega size sanctuaries with the latest technology and sound systems. And, so much more but I have to stop. What are we trying to do? Who are we pleasing, God or man? Build it big and they will come? Now, to be honest, there are many huge churches around the nation which are huge because they teach the truth of the Bible and there are still Christians out there who want to hear the truth. And that is why they have grown to these mega sizes. But there are so many more which have offered so much of the world just to get the world in through the doors and stuff the coffers.
To compare the days of Noah with our current society is not a stretch and it's about a lot more than what I have mentioned. It's not just about the culture wars or gay marriage, it's about a society who loves sin more than salvation. As Christians, we can reach them one by one but we can't do it if we are not out there engaging with them and telling them the truth. If they will seek all the facts concerning the truth and consider all those facts and reason through it with a sincere heart, they will find nothing but the truth. But we have to tell them. It's what Jesus wants us to do; we are His ambassadors so, we must take His message to the world.

Bill Petite