What Does The World See In A Christian
-Bill Petite
There are a lot of things and events happening in this world we live in. Some of those things are detrimental to our morals and values as Christians. How do we manage our opinions or statements concerning these topics when asked? Do we harshly criticize and come across as a bully? Or do we make comments which lead the world to believe we think we are better than them? One of the most recent hot topics which the Church has had to deal with is Gay marriage, Gays ordained in certain denominations and the topic of Gays in general. How do you answer when asked about Gay marriage or the Gay lifestyle in general? Is there a demeaning response that carries the idea of hate? I only ask about the hate thing because a large portion of the world thinks we, Christians, all hate all Gays. We are considered bigots because we don't share their same ideas concerning this lifestyle. Is this lifestyle Biblical? Or is it anti-Biblical. The Bible is clear in many passages that the Gay lifestyle is not approved of by God. (Rom. 1:24-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Lev 18:22) Now, if you are Gay and decide you don't care what the Bible says, that's your prerogative. It doesn't excuse you of this sinful lifestyle but it's your life and it is only between you and God and if you choose not to recognize God, your on your own; and there will be consequences. But, the general consensus of the world is that we Christians hate anyone who is Gay. Christians are seen as hateful, hypocritical and bigots. Why are Christians looked at with these opinions? Because far too many Christians act this way.
Back in the '80s and '90s when Christians were handcuffing themselves to the front doors of abortion clinics and making physical threats to those who would attempt to enter, what do you think the world was thinking? Yes, they thought Christians were all like this and they are a bunch of radical, narrow minded hatemongers. How can you not understand why they felt that way when a doctor was gunned down attempting to get into the clinic where he worked? It only takes a small number of people to act in one way for the world to get an impression and think of the whole group in the same manner. Recently we witnessed the tragedies in Ferguson, MO and saw all the riots. Did that give you the impression that everyone who lived there was like that? It did for a lot of people. How many saw those who were trying to stop the violence or clean up the mess? Not many and the media is mostly responsible for this but it still led many to have the wrong impression concerning the people who live there. A small group from that area took advantage of the situation to support their own agenda. The situation is the same in the Church today.
When the world sees Christians saying negative things about a worldly agenda, the world automatically thinks every Christian on the planet is just like that. In my opinion, there are far too many Christians dabbling in worldly problems which we should have no part of. Politics is one that makes Christians look like a bunch of buffoons. I don't have issues with Christians running for public office; it is the Christians who want to be a talking head about the political situations. A pastor attempts to jump into the limelight by making a comment concerning a candidate or an issue and is simply made a fool of because he has made himself to look like a fool. Well, the whole world sees the entire Church in this same light. I can't find any place, no place at all, in the Bible where Jesus stepped into a political situation or made comments concerning politics at all. No place did Jesus engage in the politics or governmental workings of this world during His 3 years of ministry on this planet. Churches opening the Sunday morning service to engage in political agenda and issues. What passage of the Bible does this stuff come from and what do you think God is feeling or thinking while this takes place. And, while this goes on, the world sees the Church as a bunch of hypocrites and liars and again, buffoons.
When Christians go to Church or to a worship service, how do they act when they depart? Now, remember, not every Christian is like this and I firmly believe there are more Christians living a devout, holy life than those who aren't. But, remember, it only takes a small amount to make the whole group look bad. Yeast is referred to many times as a symbol for sin. Anyone who knows anything about yeast knows a small amount will spread throughout the dough. It is the same with sin. But, the point here is that it only takes a small number of Christians to leave Church service and live like the world, to make the whole Church look the same. The world doesn't know Jesus, they don't know the Church. They think they do and therefore they draw their own opinions. The world sees the Church as a bunch of hypocrites because they see a few people acting like they are not saved. So, how does the world see us if they witness a Christian they know out there partying and acting like the world? What does the world think when they see a Christian they know cheating on his wife? What does the world think of Christians when a Christian they know is caught with an illegal substance? It is obvious; they think we are a bunch of hypocrites!
The Christian life is about a transformed life, a renewed life. It's about doing a 180 degree turn from our life of sin; it's about repenting and allowing Jesus to change our lives.
There are a lot of things and events happening in this world we live in. Some of those things are detrimental to our morals and values as Christians. How do we manage our opinions or statements concerning these topics when asked? Do we harshly criticize and come across as a bully? Or do we make comments which lead the world to believe we think we are better than them? One of the most recent hot topics which the Church has had to deal with is Gay marriage, Gays ordained in certain denominations and the topic of Gays in general. How do you answer when asked about Gay marriage or the Gay lifestyle in general? Is there a demeaning response that carries the idea of hate? I only ask about the hate thing because a large portion of the world thinks we, Christians, all hate all Gays. We are considered bigots because we don't share their same ideas concerning this lifestyle. Is this lifestyle Biblical? Or is it anti-Biblical. The Bible is clear in many passages that the Gay lifestyle is not approved of by God. (Rom. 1:24-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Lev 18:22) Now, if you are Gay and decide you don't care what the Bible says, that's your prerogative. It doesn't excuse you of this sinful lifestyle but it's your life and it is only between you and God and if you choose not to recognize God, your on your own; and there will be consequences. But, the general consensus of the world is that we Christians hate anyone who is Gay. Christians are seen as hateful, hypocritical and bigots. Why are Christians looked at with these opinions? Because far too many Christians act this way.
Back in the '80s and '90s when Christians were handcuffing themselves to the front doors of abortion clinics and making physical threats to those who would attempt to enter, what do you think the world was thinking? Yes, they thought Christians were all like this and they are a bunch of radical, narrow minded hatemongers. How can you not understand why they felt that way when a doctor was gunned down attempting to get into the clinic where he worked? It only takes a small number of people to act in one way for the world to get an impression and think of the whole group in the same manner. Recently we witnessed the tragedies in Ferguson, MO and saw all the riots. Did that give you the impression that everyone who lived there was like that? It did for a lot of people. How many saw those who were trying to stop the violence or clean up the mess? Not many and the media is mostly responsible for this but it still led many to have the wrong impression concerning the people who live there. A small group from that area took advantage of the situation to support their own agenda. The situation is the same in the Church today.
When the world sees Christians saying negative things about a worldly agenda, the world automatically thinks every Christian on the planet is just like that. In my opinion, there are far too many Christians dabbling in worldly problems which we should have no part of. Politics is one that makes Christians look like a bunch of buffoons. I don't have issues with Christians running for public office; it is the Christians who want to be a talking head about the political situations. A pastor attempts to jump into the limelight by making a comment concerning a candidate or an issue and is simply made a fool of because he has made himself to look like a fool. Well, the whole world sees the entire Church in this same light. I can't find any place, no place at all, in the Bible where Jesus stepped into a political situation or made comments concerning politics at all. No place did Jesus engage in the politics or governmental workings of this world during His 3 years of ministry on this planet. Churches opening the Sunday morning service to engage in political agenda and issues. What passage of the Bible does this stuff come from and what do you think God is feeling or thinking while this takes place. And, while this goes on, the world sees the Church as a bunch of hypocrites and liars and again, buffoons.
When Christians go to Church or to a worship service, how do they act when they depart? Now, remember, not every Christian is like this and I firmly believe there are more Christians living a devout, holy life than those who aren't. But, remember, it only takes a small amount to make the whole group look bad. Yeast is referred to many times as a symbol for sin. Anyone who knows anything about yeast knows a small amount will spread throughout the dough. It is the same with sin. But, the point here is that it only takes a small number of Christians to leave Church service and live like the world, to make the whole Church look the same. The world doesn't know Jesus, they don't know the Church. They think they do and therefore they draw their own opinions. The world sees the Church as a bunch of hypocrites because they see a few people acting like they are not saved. So, how does the world see us if they witness a Christian they know out there partying and acting like the world? What does the world think when they see a Christian they know cheating on his wife? What does the world think of Christians when a Christian they know is caught with an illegal substance? It is obvious; they think we are a bunch of hypocrites!
The Christian life is about a transformed life, a renewed life. It's about doing a 180 degree turn from our life of sin; it's about repenting and allowing Jesus to change our lives.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Cor. 5:17
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Rom 12:2We don't think like the world any longer. We think like a Christian who follows Jesus is supposed to think. One who reads and studies God's word, one who seeks to live a holy life, not the life of the world.
but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Pet. 1:15-16Don't live like the world if you are a Christian; anyone who lives in any of the worldly ways which have been mentioned in this writing will never be able to convince anybody to consider Jesus as their savior. They will only see what they have been allowed to see and it is not Jesus! The world has to see Jesus living in us; it has to see what Jesus is doing in our lives. It is easy to go into Church service on Sunday morning, check the box and say you were there and met your commitment for the week. But, ask yourself, "Is this really all that Jesus has for me. Is this all I want from Jesus, just fire insurance?" Jesus is more than that to us and for us. He gave His life so we could have life! It's not about being seen in the building once a week, it's about serving Him and His people. Allow the world to see Jesus in you, not the world. They can see the ways of the world anywhere, but they have to see Jesus in each and every Christian.
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