A Politically Correct Jesus?
This post originally published at www.modernchristianliving.com Bill Petite
The secular society in
which we live is determined to force its agendas on everyone, regardless of
personal beliefs. There is a demand in this world that calls for everybody and
everything to be politically correct. As Christians, we need to resist these demands;
it doesn't matter if it comes from family, friends or co-workers. Jesus has
called us to speak for Him, not the world and its ideas. This world system
would have us to recognize all forms of religion as being acceptable and paths
to heaven, paradise or whatever hereafter you prefer. This secular, politically
correct system would not have us be critical of those religions which are not
in sync with ours or the one each individual practices. If we, as Christians,
attempt to share our faith with anyone, we are seen as forcing it on them,
demanding they accept our way of life and our religion. (News flash:
Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship! Our God is alive!! A
person cannot have a healthy, active relationship with a dead person or a fictitious
god.) I'm sure there are Christians who are too forward or somewhat demanding
in their witness, but I believe for the most part Christians practice a style
of witnessing which Jesus directed us to use. Don't be forceful, tell them
about Jesus, give the person time to consider and do it in love. Don't demand
that people be saved. Allow the Holy Spirit to warm the heart of the person and
if they choose to decline, we don't begin to force it on them or ridicule them
or threaten them with eternity in hell (although this is the result of their
refusal to accept Jesus, there will be a time to explain hell). These are the
ideas of the secular society; they see Christians as forcing our belief in
Christ on the world. That is not being politically correct. We are refusing to
fall into line with the rest of the world and worship all the human aspects of
this world. Well, that is mostly right; we will not or should not play their
politically correct game of life but not for the reasons they believe. The world
believes the Bible is just a document which was written by some men; well, that
is true but they were inspired by God to write the words He wanted written.
That is where they draw the line; they firmly believe this book was the work
solely of men and there was no input from any god or from God. They insist we
accept this and stop with all the fairy tales. The politically correct way of
speaking about the Bible is to accept it as a book that teaches one of many
religions in our world today and it should not have any more special
recognition than the book of mormon or the koran (lower case
intentional). Jesus claimed to be the only way to God the Father and the
secular world calls us narrow minded bigots for believing it.
Jesus said to him, “I
am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through
Me. Jn. 14:6 NKJV www.biblegateway.com
This is definitely not
a politically correct statement. After the September 11 attacks in 2001,
Franklin Graham had this to say about Islam,
Franklin Graham told Greta Van Susteren tonight, "What I
said after 9-11 was that Islam is wicked and evil. I don't believe Mohammad can
lead anybody to God." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04rpb0iVFmU
Wow! Franklin, that is
not politically correct and I'm not sure, but I think that cost you a trip to
the White House. I remember when he made this statement and the secular world
was in an uproar. He actually called Islam evil! This is a great example of
speaking the truth for the one and only true God, Jesus Christ! No, it is not
politically correct but, it is the truth. We are living in what is often
referred to as a postmodern world. Here is one definition,
"In essence, postmodernism is based on the position that
reality is not mirrored in human understanding of it, but is rather constructed
as the mind tries to understand its own personal reality."
Well, what is truth?
According to this philosophy, it is what you want it to be or what you think it
is. Hence, the Bible is not the true word of God because it is not believed to
be so by many in the politically correct, secular society of our current time.
One last thought here, a lot of people are in for a big surprise if they don't
accept the truth of who Jesus really is!
In 1985, a group of
people established what is known as the Jesus Seminar. This group set out to
rewrite, or should I say edit, the words of Jesus. They used a voting system
based on different color beads to determine which passages or words of Jesus
were actually true, according to them. When they finished, approximately 80% of
the words of Jesus were removed from the gospels. Well, I guess if your
religion doesn't meet your agenda, you simply change it. The word of God warns
us about adding to and subtracting from His word,
You shall not add to
the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the
commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. Dt. 4:2
and if anyone takes
away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part
from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are
written in this book. Rev. 22:19 NKJV
Both of these verses
are very straight forward warnings; but again, the secular world doesn't
believe this fairy tale stuff from the Bible. To them it is just some
hocus-pocus stuff that only we superstitious, narrow minded Christians are
afraid of. The secular world is more concerned with being politically correct
than of offending God.
A Politically Correct
Some parts of the
Church today have fallen right into step with the politically correct secular
world system; they don't want to teach on certain topics because it might
offend someone and they really don't want to offend anyone. Some of the old
Main Line denominations have moved so far into the world they are hard to be
recognized as a legitimate church. You will never hear a convicting message or
sermon from one of these churches; they don't want to offend so you will never
be convicted by what they might say when someone is in the pulpit speaking. You
will never hear them teach that homosexuality is a sin like adultery is a sin.
Actually, you will probably never hear them speak against adultery. They won't
speak against homosexuality because they have ordained homosexuals and allowed
them into ministry. The Episcopal church ordained V Gene Robinson who is openly
gay and it tore that denomination apart worldwide; the Presbyterian USA has
followed in the same manner and is experiencing the same results. The secular
society can't express their respect for these organizations enough. Openly gay
leadership in the Church is comparable to allowing the inmates to run the
prison. I know there are, right now, people who are screaming at comments like
this; maybe some are reading this and freaking out, thinking what a narrow
minded bigot I am. No, I'm not a bigot and I don't hate gay people and I'm not
homophobic! (Those who are Gay and practice that lifestyle are people, just
like everyone else. They are not freaks and should not be treated any different
than anybody else we might know. They need to know about Jesus as much as
anyone else who is living in the flesh and allowing the sin nature to run their
lives) I am not politically correct nor will I cater to this
politically correct society. I will say what is true, the real truth, not
relative truth. Again, there are those in the Church who will not even discuss
this topic and risk offending someone. Jesus spent a lot of His time in discussion
with the religious leaders of that time and He refused to surrender to their
religious ideology. This is very evident in the four gospels. Jesus set the
ultimate example for us and we need to follow it. Will the world hate us? Or,
better yet, does the world hate us?
“If the world hates
you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the
world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but
I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Jn. 15:18-19
Jesus knew the world
would never agree with His teachings and the doctrines of His word. The secular
society lives for themselves and is interested in promoting, pleasuring and
satisfying themselves. So, it is only natural they would hate us since our
belief and practice of Christianity stands firmly opposite of their ideologies
and ways of life. So, as long as we keep teaching that the homosexual lifestyle
is a sin, the politically correct secular society will continue to paint the
Church and Christianity as a barbaric ignorant, bigoted group. The last report
I heard on the approval of Gay marriage in this country, a poll stated that 50% of
the people in the US agrees with gay marriage. That is half of the people in
this country! The Church, or those parts of the Church which believe the truth
of the Bible, is at odds with a lot of people if this poll is accurate.
So, it is time for
Christians to take their stance against these topics which are considered areas
too controversial to speak out about. How many Christians have had the
opportunity to speak out about gay marriage and what the Bible says and have
neglected to do so? How many Christians have had the opportunity to speak out
against abortion and have failed to do so? This politically correct world will
have us all agree with them on these topics and far too many Christians are
yielding to their demands. At work, at the park, at the store or where ever we
might have our belief challenged concerning these hot topics, we must stand our
ground and defend the faith in these areas. Don't be intimidated by the secular
world and their harsh words or their relative truth.
Speaking of abortion,
the world will tell you it is a woman's right to decide if she should kill her
baby or not. Think about this; a woman has the right, in this country, to
decide to have an abortion, or kill the fetus. It is legal according to the Supreme
Court’s decision. I can't kill the baby; if, when my wife was pregnant with one
of our children, I decided I didn't want any more children and put a knife in
her and killed the baby, I would have been arrested for murder, the murder of
the baby. I would deserve to be arrested for the murder of the baby; the woman
who has the fetus, a human being, killed by the abortion process is not guilty
of murder because she has a right to do with her body what she wants to. But,
the fetus is not her body! She has committed murder and it is legal. How crazy
has our world become? It is not politically correct to speak out against this
because if you do, you are considered a racist and a woman hater. I'm sure most
people have heard the story of Tim Tebow's mom being encouraged to abort him
because of complications with her health. Being a Christian, she refused; there
are many stories and testimonies out there of people who survived and were not
aborted when the mother either considered it or the process was started. If you
are reading this and you think this is more radical, crazy Christian
foolishness, go to an ultra-sound and listen to the heart beat of the baby in
the womb. If you can walk away, unmoved by this, then you might qualify as one
who could commit the murder of a baby. This has changed many people's minds
about abortion; years ago, I worked with a young man who didn't see anything wrong
with abortion. His wife was pregnant and they were not considering abortion but
when he went in with her for the ultra-sound, he was a firm believer of life in
the womb. He came to work and told me he knew then he was wrong and realized
the baby was a life in the womb and abortion would be murder.
The Church needs to
take its stance against the politically correct, secular world; it needs to be
firmly grounded in the word of God. Christians need to be ready all the time to
defend the faith in these controversial areas; make a stance and don't be
intimidated by the politically correct society. Again, Jesus set the example
for us and he has given us the Holy Spirit and He will fight our battles and
give us the words to say (Mt. 10:19). We do not serve a politically correct
Jesus, we serve Jesus, the God of the universe and creator of everything. He is
our savior and He will, one day, return and take us out of this politically
correct world!
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