Friday, March 22, 2019

What We Really Deserve

I'm sure we are all familiar with phrases like, 'life's not fair' or  'I deserve better than this' but do we ever stop to consider what we really deserve?  People will tell you, "Life is what you make it" and maybe that is true to a certain point. But in the Christian life, what is fairness all about? Was it fair for one man to die because of the sin of every other human being who was or ever will be? I'm sure you might have been told by a nonbeliever that if God sends people to hell, that's not fair. And, the proper response to that statement is, God sends no one to hell. He sent His Son to die on a cross so no one would have to go to hell.

Here's what we have to understand, we were born with sin; you had no say in it because Adam and Eve disobeyed the Lord's command and opened the door for sin to come into the world. Every person ever born from that point on was born with a sin nature or a natural desire to sin. I know, many will say, "I'm not a sinner, I'm a good person." Yeah, well that won't get you into heaven or into a right relationship with Jesus. Blame Adam and Eve and accept it if that makes you feel better but we must come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive us for our sin, confess to Him we are sinners and need Him as our savior. He turns nobody away, there are no qualifying factors other than acknowledging to Him you are in sin and need His forgiveness.

Probably the most quoted verse in the Bible is John 3:16 but the verses which follow are just as important. Look at what the passage says,

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.  God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
 “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son.  And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.  All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.  But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”  JN 3:16-20
Basically, what this passage says is that Jesus died for us to save us from our sin. He didn't come with judgment the first time, He came to save us (judgment comes with Him when He returns at the second coming). But the passages also says that there are those who will reject Him because they enjoy their life of sin more than wanting to be saved by Him. So, in that sense, some people do make life what it is and in this case, it is life without Jesus.

We hear so much talk today about race relations, Gay Rights or the rights of those who are Trans Gender or just those who believe they are owed something because of who they are. Here's the wake up call: We all deserve to die an eternal death. Jesus didn't have to go to the cross for us; He could have just took a pass and He and the Father could have easily moved on and left us all to die in our sin. But He didn't. God loved us so much, He sent His only, sinless Son to die in our place (JN 3:16). Most people can't comprehend that kind of love because our sinful nature will always want to put ourselves first and not others.
 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"  Jer. 17:9
That's the heart we were born with; it's a heart that is wicked and sinful and only desires the things of this evil world. But when we accept Jesus as our savior and He becomes Lord of our lives (not as a dictator), our hearts are changed and the love He has for us, we will have for others. We no longer think in the worlds terms that we are special and deserve special treatment. We no longer complain about not getting what we think we deserve because we know what we really deserve and that is eternal death. (Well, we shouldn't complain; Phil 2:14)

So, someone might ask, "What is eternal death? I thought dead was dead." The term, eternal death, refers to those who  die without knowing Jesus as savior. I don't believe in using scare tactics when telling people about Jesus and the salvation He provided for us but I do believe in telling the truth. The truth is, for those who die without Jesus, die an eternal death in hell. The torment is burning in the fires of hell for eternity without being consumed by the fire. Again, I don't say this to terrorize but to inform and make people aware of what happens when a person dies without knowing Jesus as their personal savior.

But that is what we really do deserve and if not for the love which God has for us, His creation, it is what our fate would be. So, when I hear terms like, white privilege or Gay rights or I deserve, I just cringe because I know I have no rights without Jesus. I deserve eternal death without Jesus. I have no righteousness without Jesus.

For those of us who are Christians and understand what I have said, we need to think as Jesus would have us think when we consider those in the world who don't know Him; those who believe they deserve better. They need to hear about and know Jesus; He is the only answer to any and all problems we might face in this world. Consider what they really deserve if we don't tell them about Jesus. Don't just invite them to Church because Church won't save them. Tell them about Jesus and do it in love.

Everyone thinks they have an answer for the hate we see in this world today but there is only one answer and that is Jesus. I know, people will say that is my answer but it's not only the answer, it is the absolute truth. It has been tested for centuries and has never failed. It has been tested since the beginning of time and has never failed. Jesus is real and He is the only answer to the many problems we see in this world today.

Consider this: Why are Christians killed and persecuted worldwide? Why does the Muslim religion hate Christianity so much? Why do the Chinese forbid any church except the one approved by their government? Why is Christianity so feared by these governments around the world? If it is just another religion, why is it so threatening to them? Why has Christianity been kicked out of the public school systems in this country when other religions are given more tolerance? Why can the five pillars of Islam be taught in a public school but the Ten Commandments are forbidden?

The answer to all these questions is because the devil hates Christianity and this world, right now, is ruled by Satan himself. He drives the hate and bigotry and murder in this world. He will not tolerate the name of Jesus in any of his establishments around this world. The following passage explains this very well.
And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins,  in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,  among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.  Eph 2:1-3
Don't be fooled by the ways of this world and don't buy into the beliefs of so many in this world. The truth lies in Jesus and He will expose the evils of this world and the light will overcome the darkness. Not knowing Jesus brings what we all really deserve and that is eternal death because He didn't have to save us from our sin. But He did and the good news is if you don't know Him, He is waiting with arms wide open.

The problem with the worldly view of considering what we deserve and the Christian view is the understanding of what sin is and how it affects us. It brings death but Jesus brings life. Thinking about what we deserve from a worldly point of view is all about material possessions and money. But as a Christian, knowing what we deserve is totally different and also we know that our needs are met by Jesus. Not our wants or what we think we deserve but what we need and there is a big difference.


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